Cancelled-Design, Preparation & Evaluation of the Tender Documents, and Supervision of the Works in Hrar and Bzal - Jurd Al Kaytaa (Akkar - North Lebanon) - CONSULTANCY SERVICE.
CISP (an Italian NGO), within a project co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), calls for a Tender, for the technical assistance, concerning, in particular, the Update & Revision of the Design, Preparation & Evaluation of the Tender Documents, and Supervision of the Works in Hrar and Bzal - Jurd Al Kaytaa (Akkar - North Lebanon).
The Consultancy Service shall include the following tasks:
- Baseline Survey and assessment of existing Water Facilities;
- Update, Revision, Completion and final Validation of the Design;
- Preparation of the Tender Documents for the Execution of the Works;
- Assistance during the Tendering Periods and Evaluations;
- Supervision of the Works;
- Production of the Final Reports, Water Quality Tests and revision of the Contractor’s As-Built Drawing and Operation & Maintenance Manuals;
- Coordination and Assistance until the issue of the Final Acceptance of the Works.
Eligible Bidders are those registered at the Lebanese Ministry of Finance.
How to apply
The Tender Documents (T.D.s) will be available, upon the presentation of a copy of the Registration Certificate at the Ministry of Finance, starting from the 26th of January 2023, until the 16th of February 2023, at the following address:
CISP - Beirut Office
Aaridah Building - 2nd Floor - Mdawwar Street
Furn Ech-Chebbak - Beirut - Lebanon
Tel.: +961 1 611493
Mobile: +961 71 872517
Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (please, call before coming).
Contact person: Ms. Sanderella Khawand (only for the delivery and the reception of the T.D.s).
It should be noted, that a MANDATORY Site Inspection Visit is scheduled, for the 16th of February 2023.
All interested Bidders are invited to submit their Offers, by the 27th of February 2023, before 1:00 PM, at the above-mentioned CISP’s Office in Beirut.
Late bids will be rejected.
Cancelled-All technically acceptable tenders exceed the financial resources available
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