Terms of Reference - Eco-Friendly and Upcycling Consultant Music for Social Change Program

“Music for Social Change” aims to give full agency for youth and adolescents for them to be leading change in their communities instead of being beneficiaries and receiving services. Mobilized youth (13-18 yrs) are to be further equipped with eco-friendly initiatives, skills, waste management, and upcycling methods, which would allow them to create an upcycled space which creates sound through movement. The main outcomes of the project are:


  • Raise awareness and train youth on eco-friendly approaches, waste management, and upcycling methods.
  • Support in the design and implementation the child-led friendly “Interactive Music Playground” from upcycled materials


Community youth are trained on foundational music theory skills and will be leading the implementation with the technical support of the RTP and the consultant.


  1. Consultancy Objectives


Outcome 1: Train 15 community youth on eco-friendly approaches, waste management, and upcycling methods through a 1-day workshop.


Outcome 2: Support children and youth technically during the execution of the upcycled interactive space over the course of 15 hours.



  1. Responsibilities and deliverables of the consultancy

Submission of proposal: February 5, 2023



Responsibilities and tasks




Outcome 1

Raise awareness and train youth on eco-friendly approaches, waste management, and upcycling methods.

1 day training

February 2023.

Outcome 2


Support children and youth technically during the execution of the upcycled interactive space.

15 hours

March 2023



  1. Qualifications of the consultant

A consultant is needed with the following competencies and experience:

  • Evidence of experience in working on child friendly eco approaches.
  • Proven knowledge and experience in training and technical supervision.
  • Degree in relevant field (architecture/ urban planning/engineering etc...)
  • Previous experience Working with vulnerable groups.
  • Demonstrated understanding and support of principles of equity, participation and inclusion.
  • Good writing skills.
  • Fluent spoken and written English and Arabic.







  1. Proposal submission

Interested Individuals are requested to submit the following documents:

  • Technical proposal of the suggested plan of the consultancy (2 pages maximum);
  • Financial proposal (dated and signed) that includes a budget for the expected activities and the per diem for each person involved in USD.
  • MOF registration number if available.
  • CV of key persons involved and the portfolio of the organization if relevant.
  • Preferred payment method should be mentioned i.e., Bank Wire transfer to fresh account or cash letter (please note we do not make cash payment)
  • Registration and legal permits.


How to apply

Please refer to attached TOR & Financial proposal

Interested applicants should 

submit the proposal with requested documents by February 5, 2023, to:


 Mariam Zaytoun, Logistics Officer, at: [email protected] and Kevork Dersarkissian Logistics Coordinator at: [email protected] with “Eco-Consultant” in the email heading.


 For any further inquiries kindly contact Mrs. Zaytoun between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on 70259865.



1- Incomplete proposals will not be considered. 

2- Early submissions are encouraged.


 While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.


Competitive budgets would be considered.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 05. فبراير 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 months