Lawyer - Legal Consultations and General Advisory

Purpose of the service:

The purpose of the service is to outline the responsibilities of the Parties for the provision of legal services to Médecins du Monde – Lebanon Mission.

MdM is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, creed, citizenship, national origin, age, or disability unrelated to job requirements.


The service provider will be available for legal consultations and general advisory, whether verbal or in writing, as required, covering your day-to-day operation, including the relationships with third parties.

Drafting and reviewing of agreements and/or other legal documents in connection with our activities (Memorandum of Understanding, Rent Agreements, Purchase Agreements, Consultancy Agreement, Supplier Agreements, Servies Agreements, Employment Agreements, Lease Agreements etc …)

Providing guidance and advice for matters related to employment, including: employment contracts, Daily workers contract, intern contracts, volunteer contracts, service contract, working hours, salary payment, holidays, trial periods, leaves, allowances, benefits. This service will also include drafting and reviewing internal regulations and its registration and legalization at the Ministry of Labor, as well as the update of the internal regulation whenever needed, in additional to submitting and finalizing files for termination of employment for economic reasons, warnings, notification letters. This service is provided in both Arabic and English.

To assist Médecins du Monde with the follow up and updating of the registration with the Lebanese authorities at the Ministry of Interior – NGO department (Replacement of the representative of Médecins du Monde, submitting annual budget, amendments and updating the ministerial decree).

Research and analysis on legal subjects and matters related to our operations, and providing legal opinions drafting briefs, reports and correspondence.

Represent us before Lebanese Government authorities and will assist in Government relations an administrative follow up if need be.

Introducing and following up on administrative procedures in front of the different Lebanese public administrations: Ministry of Telecoms, Electricite Du Liban, municipalities, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Social Affairs, Customs, General Security and others.

To Assist Médecins du Monde with any other legal issues that may happen by answering questions or providing legal advice via emails, messages or phone calls, preferably a 24-hour window (With the clear exception of cases when longer periods of time are needed.

Holding one monthly meeting of one hours to follow up on pending issues and procedures. Additional meetings can be also required by Médecins du Monde for urgent matters.

In liaison with the HR department, participate in training/awareness sessions for Médecins du Monde teams on major points of social law (ISR, NSSF, disciplinary matter).

Inform us of all new decrees related Lebanese Laws and Regulations, which may be of interest to our NGO.

Notify Médecins du Monde of any significant legislative changes that impact on its activities or employees, both national and international.  

To represent MdM before all Lebanese Courts or Tribunals

To ensure proper communication via e-mails even for legal advices or law interpretations.

Financial offer:

  • Business Name, Address, Email and phone number
  • Date of the offer
  • Validity of the offer
  • Payment modality, payment terms and conditions.
  • Detailed price list per service or a global package including all above services
  • The offer could also include extra services not mentioned above with the detail’s fees
  • All contractual conditions should be also clearly explained in the offer.
  • All relevant information or deemed of value to MdM.

Technical offer:

  • Company Profile
  • Registration of the company.
  • Work experience with NGOs.
  • All relevant information or deemed of value to MdM.
  • A draft contract between the legal service provider and MdM


How to apply

Deadline to apply: 31/10/2022, 05:00 PM

Expected starting date: 01/01/2023 (duration: one year contract renewable for additional two years, depends on funds and performance efficiency).

Please send your technical and financial offer to:  [email protected], and mention in the subject of the email “Lawyer – Legal Consultations and General Advisory for the year 2023”.

MdM is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, creed, citizenship, national origin, age, or disability unrelated to job requirements.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 31. أكتوبر 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة, الصحة النفسية
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
One year - Renewable