De-escalating violent & tense situations

When we experience violence in your lives, it can be very difficult to know how to react. This is not only when there is physical violence or the threat of it, but also when it comes to emotional or moral violence or even ‘just’ emotionally tense situations. 

Probably, you might want to intervene, but you are worried to escalate things further. You are probably concerned about your own safety and that of everyone else involved or about the consequences your actions might have. Or you might not be sure if others would even appreciate your intervention at all.

In this 2-hour online-session we will discuss the signs of conflict escalation and what makes it difficult to act. We will also share tips on how to de-escalate in different situations. And we will look at how to take care of ourselves and others during (or after) such incidents. This can also mean letting go of self-judgements about how we ‘should have reacted’.

The session will provide the opportunity to speak about and practice de-escalation in family settings, in communities, traffic, as activists in the streets, among friends, at work and other situations you might encounter in your life.

 The facilitator, Duke Duchscherer is a certified trainer on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) which (contrary to popular believe) is NOT about ‘being nice’ but much rather about communicating with authenticity and honesty. He will share NVC-tools and whatever else he has seen useful to de-escalate and he will be happy to discuss how those tools can work in your environment.

Register here to join us on Zoom (you will receive the sign-in-link by email).

We frequently offer sessions and workshops around conflict transformation, communication, Nonviolent Communication, etc. If you want to stay updated, you can like our page or sign up here for emails tailored to your interest:



Add to my Calendar Organizer 2022-03-09 18:00:00 2022-03-09 20:00:00 [email protected] Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
أربعاء, 09/03/2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Event Location:
Beirut- Online , Beirut
Beirut LB
Event Type: