School Breakfast Project
Good nutrition is a crucial aspect of children’s physical and mental wellbeing [1]. As our country Lebanon faces its worst economic decline in decades, children, the most vulnerable members of the society, are the first and most to suffer. Many children, especially those from the poorer communities face the prospect of under or malnutrition. As a result of the economic crisis, many families suddenly found themselves unable to access their lives’ savings in the banks [2]. People started facing trouble with making ends meet and many resolved to cut down on food rations and if provided, the food tends to be of poor nutritional value. Other families opted for a worse scenario where they dropped their children from school altogether [3]. Children coming from the impoverished sectors of the society attend public schools where they are responsible for bringing their own breakfast with them. Lately, most of these children have been noted coming to school without any food or snacks. Through this project, Tawazon Initiative for Development (TID) aspires to improve the nutritional status of schoolchildren. TID plans to provide schoolchildren with a daily breakfast.