Switch Perspectives: New Approaches to Media Production, Journalism and Storytelling


This course is open to people wanting to get a better understanding of stereotypes and power dynamics in the context of journalism and media, and find ways to do more just and equitable reporting and writing. During those two days, participants get the opportunity to locate and understand stereotypes and power dynamics, reflect on their own perspectives and positions of privilege and/or oppression, look critically at media production, and, through workshops on pitching and creative writing, explore new ways of writing and telling stories. 

Course description:

The course will take place during 2 sessions and will tackle the following topics: 

Why rethink how we do journalism?

We will look at recent examples of media coverage of migration, including news stories, photography and analytical pieces, in order to open up for a discussion of what kind of media coverage we see today, and how we can find ways to make it more diverse, just and reflecting different perspectives. 

Stereotypes and how to avoid single stories:

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” (Adichie). We  will introduce the concepts of stereotypes and power dynamics, and a reflection on how the stories we produce can be used to empower and humanize instead of dispossessing and malign. 

Journalistic perspectives: 

Participants will get the opportunity to use concepts and ideas on stereotypes and ’single stories’ and look at their own previous journalistic production. We also look more concretely and practically at our own work how it can become better, discussing things like: how do we find people to interview, how do we search for new ideas and research stories, how do we write about issues – all of this taking into account diversity and the deconstruction of stereotypes.

Creative Writing: 

We will learn about creative nonfiction, a form of journalism that emerged in the 60s in the US and later spread and became popular in the rest of the world.  Here students will learn more about the genre, discover various techniques, and get inspired by great writing. In addition, you will do a lot of writing and rewriting. Students can start new pieces or bring with them existing unfinished work, which they can develop and fine-tune in class.


Participants will  practice how to pitch great stories to magazine or newspaper editors. The editorial process often begins with a pitch, and a great pitch often takes a lot of research and development. We  will discover what makes a winning pitch and students will be encouraged to find a unique story and design a solid pitch.

Power Dynamics and Media:

We will build on what has been discussed before and continue to develop the concepts of privileges and power dynamics. It will enable the students to better situate themselves as authors and producers of knowledge, and the impact on the audience. Through specific tools, the participants will be able to reflect on previous work they did and build more critical thinking when it comes to social justice and recognition of minorities. 

Sharing productions and articles:

During the two sessions, the students will work on productions and articles that would enable them to use the learning directly in a concrete way. This session will serve to share the different productions and reflect on the approach used. 

Number of sessions:


Dates of sessions:

March 13 & 14 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm



Course Pre-requisites:

This course is open to journalists, people working in NGO on communication, persons working with media, writers, film makers, bloggers, social media influencers and people who make podcasts and radio shows.

Instructor name:

Ms. Angela Saade, Mr. Ibrahim Nehme & Ms. Jenny Gustafson
Instructor Bio:

Jenny Gustafson: is a journalist/writer and political scientist who has been in Lebanon since 2009 and reported from many parts of the Middle East, South Asia and Central America, including Bangladesh, Honduras, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Libya, Algeria and Saudi Arabia. Her work often focuses on migration and development, and has been featured in, among others, The Guardian, Foreign Policy and Al Jazeera. She is one of the co-founders of Mashallah News, and has been co-editing the platform since it was founded in 2010. Jenny speaks Arabic, English and Swedish.

Ibrahim Nehme: is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Outpost magazine. His work in exploring the possibilities of journalism and storytelling has been of international success, with The Outpost being referred to as ‘a successor to the Economist’ by The Guardian and harvesting top awards in print, journalism and cultural action. He founded Radio Mansion, a community radio experiment that was launched in Beirut in June 2018. He is also the founding creative director of ‘a Dance Mag’, a global dance publication based in Beirut. He is interested in building storytelling platforms that challenge mainstream cultural discourses and create space for alternative narratives to break through. Ibrahim has over 12 years of writing, editing and journalistic experience. He occasionally gives talks on how creative storytelling can lead to social transformation.

Angela Saade: is a co-founder of Jibal, and also of the French NGO Tabadol, both working on how to build an intercultural and diverse societies with equity and social justice at the centre. She has developed several projects, including trainings for youth, teachers and journalists on topics related to stereotypes, power dynamics and migration. Throughout the 10 years of work on these topics, she has developed a hands-on experience that enabled her to build strong knowledge and approaches for training and reflecting.  Angela also worked as a technical advisor for the youth program of the Lebanese NGO Mouvement Social. She holds a master degree in applied anthropology and in Engineering. She has experienced exile on a personal level, when she left with her family during the Lebanese war, and when she migrated to France for her studies. This has put her in a first hand position to analyse subject of migration and power dynamics in relation to it. 


Contact Email:


How to contact:

please add the name of the course you’re interested to inquire about in the subject line. Note that registration is done via the form 

Participation Fees:

Standard – 200 000 LL

Reduced** – 160 000 LL

Solidarity*- Pay what you can above the standard rate

*This fee enables to fund the reduced fee difference and allow concerned persons to have access to the course.
** For salaries under 1000$/month and having to pay house rental. If you do not fall under this categorie and still believe you should have the reduced fee, please contact us. The reduced rate is applicable for limited number of participants.
