Entangling Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Transformation of the Food and Beverage Industry (EEST)


Entangling Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Transformation of the Food and Beverage Industry (EEST). This call for proposal is launched to green MSMEs in the food and beverage industry.

MSMEs are the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, existing businesses with a plan to broadening their scope with environmentally friendly solutions and brilliant innovative ideas.



The overall objective is to contribute to the implementation of MSMEs’ sustainable business ideas in the food and beverage field. An environmentally and socially responsible circular model in the food and beverage industry is Fondation Diane’s priority aiming to safeguard life on the planet.

Innovative and environmentally-friendly ideas that could shape the future of the food industry are welcome to apply.

Food innovation is the development and commoditization of new food products, processes, and services. Look for ways to make healthy, nutritious offerings that are not only tempting, accessible, exciting, and unique, but also sustainable. A sustainable offering refers to managing waste and conserving resources; serving natural, organic, healthy food; supplying long shelf-life food, etc.…

The food and beverage industry are all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.



Fondation Diane allocates a budget for such projects to MSMEs that take upon themselves the task of safeguarding the environment.

The budget of each implementing partner must be consistent, accurate, clear, complete and cost-effective, in the light of the activities proposed.

Duration: Should be limited. A task list with estimated duration for each task should be defined.

The candidate shall submit detailed narrative and financial reports on monthly basis.



Projects are chosen according to the following requirements:

  • Sustainability: ensuring long term results and avoid dependency.
  • Innovation:  environmentally friendly and innovative ideas.
  • Suitability: supporting specific local solutions and appropriate technologies.
  • Competence: the entrepreneur must have the organizational and technical skills and required capacities to carry out the project.

How to apply

The electronic submission window will be open on June 9, 2021 and will close on July 31, 2021. Interested candidates have to:  

Attached documents (to be submitted for application):

  • CV of the persons involved
  • Official documents of the registered company, if available
  • Project Proposal, including: Concept note, Business Plan (methodology; detailed work plan with timeline)
  • Budget/Financial Proposal

Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Proposals will be reviewed by the team of Fondatin Diane Diane, and the process shall include a short phone call or meeting.


Fondation Diane reserves the right not to award all available funds, and/or to redistribute the available funds in a different manner depending on the project proposals received.

Fondation Diane may be able to provide the applicant(s) with several services to mention a few: (1) provide commercial premises, (2) partnership, (3) provide grant, (4) provide help in the implementation

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
السبت, 31. يوليو 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الغذاء والتغذية