Consultant for Scoping and Mapping of local institutions in Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia.


Freemuse ( is an international human rights organization defending artistic freedom. Freemuse has UN ECOSOC consultative status and is generally regarded by the UN, international organizations and partners as the world’s leading NGO in the field of freedom of artistic expression and creativity. Freemuse monitors and documents violations of artistic freedom and expose laws and policies that enable and sustain these violations. We leverage evidence-based advocacy for systemic structural changes at the international, regional and national levels working with partners, artists, and activists in the global south and north. Freemuse campaigns for and supports individual artists, focusing on women artists at the international and national levels. We facilitate and grow locally owned national coalitions to defend artistic freedom and support their campaign and capacity building. 


The Small Changes Project 

Small changes: creating cultural spaces is aimed at expanding cultural spaces by making available platforms, tools, and resources for independent and creative minds to step forward and use culture and art to engage with what is going on in the world. In Lebanon, Tunisia, and Jordan a call for proposal for individual small changes project will be published: the participants will have 6 months and a small contribution to deliver their projects. In addition to create tangible spaces within civil society for artistic and cultural expression our project also aims at creating meaningful partnerships with local, grassroot organizations to enrich and expand research and monitoring to further expose violations of artistic freedom, and at engaging policymakers and decision-makers to create dialogues between actions within civil society to gain further investment in the arts and culture sector. 


Terms of Reference: 

Freemuse is looking for the services of a consultant to conduct a mapping exercise of grassroots organisations working in culture and human rights in the MENA Region, with a specific focus on Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia and identifying their capacities and interconnections.  


Overview of tasks:   

In close consultation with Freemuse’s project manager, outline a clear methodology to conduct the mapping exercise and develop a set of criteria    

  • Consolidation of existing data on partner’s organisations along agreed criteria   
  • Collection of new materials through an extensive online search and follow up   
  • Review of data and results  
  • Deliver report and excel sheet data base of NGOs mapped 



  • Good organizational, time management and strong interpersonal skills;  
  • Ability to work flexibly and meet tight deadlines;  
  • Attention to details and proven ability to work independently and effectively with minimum supervision.  
  • Fluency in Arabic, English and French is required with good verbal and written skills.  
  • Demonstrate previous experience in performing similar mapping exercises 

Duration: 21 days

How to apply

Interested applicants are asked to submit the following to [email protected]

  • Letter of interest with suggested methodology for the report 
  • Consultants CV or Organization Profile 
  • MOF registration number 
  • Daily rate (All inclusive) 
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 15. Mar 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, ثقافة, حقوق الإنسان والحماية, التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
21 Days