Online Advanced Social Media Workshop

Participants will be trained on the latest and most advanced techniques; they will develop skills in attracting traffic to the websites and promoting and protecting brand and online reputation. This course is aimed at educating and training participants on the impact of E-commerce and how Social media has changed businesses in the field of marketing and communication.


At the end of this workshop, trainees will be able to:

  • Draw more traffic and generating visibility and awareness for a brand or product.
  • Use advanced social media communication principles and platforms
  • Identify potential social media metrics for a campaign by describing the three key areas of business that social media can impact.
  • Effectively implement Social Media strategies and tactics and creating marketing campaigns
  • Identify the four ways to motivate consumers by listing the three key benefits of storytelling when it comes to consumer engagement.
  • Attract a larger audience and communicating with influencers
  • Deploy the latest strategies to plan, execute, and assess a comprehensive and effective social media campaign for corporations, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations.
  • Identify the four places you need to monitor for conversation about your brand and creating a list of KPIs for measurement based on your existing Social Media goals
  • Market a business through Social Media

Workshop Details:

  • Venue: Online sessions over Zoom and LMS
  • Schedule: September December 14, 15, 17, 18 & 21 from 5:30 pm till 8:30 pm
  • Cost: $300 or 456,000 LBP

For more information and registration, contact us on 01-989 901 ext. 236 or at [email protected]

Add to my Calendar Organizer 2020-11-14 17:30:00 2020-12-21 20:30:00 [email protected] Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
سبت, 14/11/2020 - 5:30pm to اثنين, 21/12/2020 - 8:30pm
Event Location:
Beirut , Beirut
الهاتف: 01-989901
Beirut LB
Event Type: