1 Criteria & Submittals 

1.1 Contract Terms

Basmeh and Zeitooneh intends to issue a Fixed Price Service Contract to one or several individuals, company (ies), or organization(s). The successful applicant(s) shall be required to adhere to the statement of work and terms and conditions of the resulting contract. By submitting an offer, applicants certify that they understand and agree to all of the terms and clauses contained in Section (….).

1.2 Tender Evaluation Criteria and Submittals

Documents and required information listed in the tender submittals are necessary in order to support the eligibility criteria and to conduct the evaluation of received proposals (and due diligence). While the absence of these documents and/or information does not denote mandatory disqualification of the applicant, the absence of any of the submittals has the potential to severely and negatively impact the technical evaluation of the proposal.

Eligibility Requirements

Business Registration

- Certificate of Registration in the Ministry of Finance (if applicable)

- Certificate of Registration in the V.A.T (if applicable)

- Company Profile

Technical Requirements

- Technical Proposal detailing proposed methodology, approach, and work plan.

- Company profile and CVs of Key personnel working on the project. Must submit the list of key personnel with their CVs, the list of staff who will be in charge of this project with their CVs.

- Previous Experience in similar projects.

- Must provide at least 2 successfully completed similar projects. 

- Submit a list of similar projects including value and scale, client name, reference contact information, and satisfactory completion letters.

Financial Requirements


- Applicants must bid with the unit price of online Assessment day and reporting day, for a total of 7 Assessment days and 7 Reporting days.

- Submit a detailed Budget.

B&Z may at any time during the technical evaluation of the bids request the applicants to provide samples, additional information, or clarifications regarding their bids.

1.3 Price Offer:

The winning applicant will be awarded a fixed price contract. No profit, fees, taxes, or additional costs can be added after the contract Signature. Applicants must show detailed cost breakdown and total price. All items must be clearly labeled and included in the total offered price.

Applicants must include VAT separately in their offer

1.4 Currency

Offers should be submitted in USD

Payments will be made in USD

1.5 Tender Evaluation

Based on the above submissions, a Basmeh and Zeitooneh Tender Committee will conduct a tender evaluation process. Basmeh and Zeitooneh reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept the offer(s) deemed to be in the best interest of Basmeh and Zeitooneh. Basmeh and Zeitooneh will not be responsible for or pay for any expenses or losses, which may be incurred by any Applicant in the preparation of their tender.

Evaluations will be conducted as described in the following subsections:

1.5.1 Scoring Evaluation

Basmeh and Zeitooneh Tender Committee will conduct a technical evaluation which will grade technical criteria on a weighted basis (each criterion is given a percentage, altogether totaling 100%). Applicant's proposals should consist of all required technical submittals so Basmeh and Zeitooneh committee can thoroughly evaluate the technical criteria listed herein and assign points based on the strength of a technical submission.

Award criteria shall be based on the proposal’s overall “value for money” (quality, cost, delivery time, etc.) while taking into consideration donor and internal requirements and regulations. Each criterion has been assigned a weighting before the release of this tender based on its importance to Basmeh and Zeitooneh in this process.

Applicant(s) with the best score will be accepted as the winning applicant(s), assuming the price is deemed fair and reasonable and subject to the additional due diligence in section 1.5.2.

1.5.2 Additional Due Diligence

Upon completion of both the technical and financial evaluations, Basmeh and Zeitooneh may choose to engage in additional due diligence processes with a particular service provider. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that Basmeh and Zeitooneh engages with reputable, ethical, responsible Service Providers with solid financials and the ability to fulfill the contract. Additional due diligence may take the form of the following processes (though it is not limited to):

● Reference Checks

● Technical Interview

● Other appropriate documented methods giving Basmeh and Zeitooneh increased confidence in the Service Provider’s ability to perform.

2 Background

SCSS-Incubator aims to increase local community organizations and initiatives on NGOs Management, governance/peacebuilding, social cohesion, democracy, and decision-making matters. Local Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) can play an integral role in working with community members to improve awareness and encourage active participation and advocating with local authorities on community needs. Likewise, CBOs play an important role in resolving tensions and disputes within their communities and improving relations between local government and community members.

 The service provider shall work with different CBOs to assess their current situation, formulate key recommendations, design the capacity-building path, and assist the CBOs in formulating policies and procedures. 

3 Scope of Work

The identified service provider shall complete the following tasks, divided into 2 phases:

Phase 1 – Organizational Capacity Assessment 

- Conduct a detailed assessment for the selected CBOs for areas including, but not limited to:

Current strategy including mission, vision, objectives, priority areas, policies and procedures, current and planned initiatives, and activities.

- Internal capacities and capabilities reflecting on current organizational structure and governance, budgeting, and finance.

- Revision of tools and templates used by the organization including samples of submitted proposals, reports, documents, and materials.

- Civic knowledge and capacities in peacebuilding, democracy, gender equality, and decision-making.

- Identify strengths and key improvement areas based on the above areas (strategic planning, organization and governance, budgeting and finance, tools and templates)


Phase 2 – Conduct coaching Sessions

The service provider shall conduct coaching sessions to develop the CBOs policies and procedures, including:

- Revise and update/develop CBO profile, mission and vision.

- Revise and update/develop CBO policies and procedures( Financial policies, Protection policy, Gender policy, Code of conduct, HR policy..) 

- Other topics related to organizational development that are suggested by the service provider in light of the preliminary capacity and needs assessment

The coaching content shall be tailored based on the assessment of the CBOs and submitted to Basmeh and Zeitooneh for approval before launching the sessions.


4 Deliverables

4.1. Inception Report – Detailing the findings of the assessment conducted and the key recommendations

4.2. Coaching Report – Detailing how the coaching content was developed, a narrative of the sessions documenting achievements, challenges, successes, key recommendations, and other relevant findings

4.3. Submission of training material (PowerPoint presentations and tools used during the training), tools, sessions and templates that are updated/developed

All events and activities taking place should be dated in the submitted reports.


5 Duration of the Work

The total duration of the intervention is around ONE month, including both phases – where 7 CBOs (3-5 persons from each CBO). All activities must be completed by mid-October 2020.

6 Tender Submittals

1. Company profile and list of key personnel to be working on the project

2. A proposal detailing proposed methodology, approach and work plan

3. List of at least 2 similar projects conducted, with produced reports, client name, and contact information

4. Budget

Applicants must bid with the unit price of Assessment days and coaching sessions, for a total of 10 online assessment days and 21online coaching sessions.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for registration as an Expert, please send the completed technical and financial offer to [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 29. سبتمبر 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم طلبات
قطاع(ات) التدخل: