Feminist Research: After the Civil War’s End-Lebanon


Call for Applications:


For the call in Arabic, see here: https://www.daleel-madani.org/node/179132


Feminist Research: After the Civil War’s End-Lebanon

The Knowledge Workshop (KW) is accepting applications of researchers working on research projects that explore the day-to-day experiences, as well as the social, legal, economic, or political aspects of life in Lebanon immediately after the end of the civil war and for the following six years, from a feminist perspective.

It is true that the logic of war and war-time practices and realities remained throughout the post-war period. The Israeli occupation of South Lebanon continued until the year 2000, and the Syrian military presence remained until its withdrawal in 2005. There may be no unanimous date marking the end of the civil war, yet we are interested in exploring how women and individuals with non-normative gender and sexual identities lived through the period officially known as post-civil war Lebanon.

Possible Topics:

Research projects can center on a particular public figure, phenomena, or geographic area as a way of capturing and analyzing the hopes and fears that women faced as the civil war (allegedly) ended. Research papers can address the transformations that the economic system, or a particular economic sector, underwent during Rafik Hariri’s first term as prime minister, from a feminist perspective. We accept papers that investigate practices that originated in the war era and that affected women and feminists in the early post-war period, or papers that probe into the narratives and images that circulated in popular culture right after the war. Possible research topics can also include the experiences of Palestinian women’s and feminist organizations and mobilizations in Lebanon, or the experiences of migrant workers in the 1990s.

KW will select 4 applicants with their proposed research topics, and will work with the researchers for the upcoming 6 months until the projects are finalized. The researchers will be compensated with an honorarium. The Knowledge Workshop is also looking at publishing the selected papers, which are expected to be around 15 pages long.

KW encourages research in Arabic, but we also accept applications and research projects in English.


Researchers must have:

  • MA in Humanities or Social Sciences (or equivalent experience)
  • No less than two years of experience in conducting research
  • Familiarity with, and interest in, feminist research and writings in Lebanon, and general knowledge of feminist methodologies.
  • Experience in non-academic writing is a plus
  • Knowledge of oral history as a research method is also a plus
  • Residence in Lebanon is a must


Application Process:

To apply, send us an email to [email protected] with the following:

  • A detailed CV that includes a list of previous written work and publications.
  • Abstract of the proposed research project (no more than 400 words)
  • A cover letter (no more than 2 pages) explaining your relevant experiences and interests, why you should be selected, and assessing the position/importance of your proposed research within the context of gender and feminist research and writings in Lebanon.


Deadline for applications is July 5th, 2020. Please use “Feminist Research-Knowledge Workshop” as the subject of your email. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

About the Knowledge Workshop:

The Knowledge Workshop (KW) is a feminist organization founded in 2015, an ongoing workshop for (re)searching local women’s stories and histories, and for creating and making accessible feminist resources. KW works on engaging women at the grassroots level, and on connecting with feminist movements to ensure the continuity of feminist presence in the region.

For more info, visit our website: http://alwarsha.org/


How to apply

Application Process:

To apply, send us an email to [email protected] with the following:

  • A detailed CV that includes a list of previous written work and publications.
  • Abstract of the proposed research project (no more than 400 words)
  • A cover letter (no more than 2 pages) explaining your relevant experiences and interests, why you should be selected, and assessing the position/importance of your proposed research within the context of gender and feminist research and writings in Lebanon.


Deadline for applications is July 5th, 2020. Please use “Feminist Research-Knowledge Workshop” as the subject of your email. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 05. يوليو 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم أوراق بحثية
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي, بحوث ودراسات, حالة وقضايا النساء