Call for Proposals EIIP 001/2020 Project to enhance productivity and employment in farming

Submission of Concept Note:

The Call for Proposal is open to registered NGOs involved in the agricultural sector who wish to participate in ILO’s EIIP operations and participate in achieving common goals and objectives. Based on Concept Notes received, ILO will select the best-fit Implementing Partner (IP) for the intervention and area(s).
Interested organisations may submit a Concept Note including Attachments A-C in response to the Call for Proposals. The concept note is to be submitted in line with the provided format. The Concept Note is primarily for an organisation to express its unique advantage and added value for the Project objectives. The Concept Note is intended to allow the agency to:

  •  Demonstrate the unique advantage it brings to the partnership for realizing the desired outcome of the Project; and
  • Briefly describe the implementation approach for realizing the desired outcome of the Project;

The Concept Note should elaborate the concepts provided in this Call for Proposal and should be concise, contain clear information and not exceed three pages. Once selected, the organisation will participate in the design and detailed budgeting of the Project and concluding Project Implementation Agreement.


The ILO, with funding from Germany through KfW Development Bank, is implementing the Lebanon Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme (EIIP) as part of its response to the Syrian refugee crisis to create decent jobs for vulnerable Lebanese host community members and Syrian refugees and ease the strain on local infrastructure. The COVID-19 outbreak in combination with the economic crisis has however impacted on the project and new priorities are emerging. ILO and the donor have agreed to re-direct some of the available funding towards supporting the critical agro-food supply chain.
With the food security crisis looming in the horizon, several municipalities are showing interest in agriculture, to ensure the food security of the villages. ILO will engage with some of these Municipalities to implement activities which will support local agriculture to increase production and improve food security of the villages. The intervention will provide support to local farmers while at the same time creating short term employment opportunities for Syrian refugees and local Lebanese population through farming activities.
This intervention of USD 400,000 all inclusive, targets four municipalities that are currently working with the ILO EIIP, namely Kfar Aaka, Bcharre, Al Qaa, and Union of East Zahle (budget per municipality USD 100,000) Applicants are encouraged to submit for all 4 municipalities, capacity allowing. Alternatively, applicants can submit proposals for either a) Kfar Aqaa & Bcharre or b) Al Qaa & Union of East Zahle.

Project Strategy

ILO will support up to four municipalities with important agricultural production in a way that will also directly benefit the farmers and generate short term employment for unskilled and skilled farm workers. The project aims to reclaim and cultivate new or idle land to increase crop production. Land may be owned by municipalities or local farmers. ILO will support municipalities and local farmers by paying for input and workers to prepare and cultivate land. The surplus produce will be sold by the farmers at reasonable low price to community retailers, and/or provided by the municipality for free to vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees.
Identification of priority crops, farmlands and farmers will be done in close coordination with the municipality, based on agreed screening criteria, with priority to smallholder farmers.
The activity will generate short-term employment for farm workers in each of the participating municipalities, spread out on several farms or identified farmland in and around the municipality.
The IP will provide overall management of the intervention and will work closely with appointed municipal focal point and the ILO EIIP team.

How to apply

Request for Clarification Deadline: 27 May 2020 before 16:00
The Proposal shall be submitted through email to [email protected] on or before 16:00 01 June 2020.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 01. يونيو 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
العمل وسبل العيش