Call for RFP: PMSPL II Data Collection for Food for Peace monitoring assistance

Refer to attached RFP.

Anticipated Timeline for RFP process:

March 6, 2020: Social Impact publishes RFP to potential Offerors

March 12, 2020: Receipt of any question

March 13, 2020: Social Impact replies to the questions

April 9, 2020: Offerors submit proposals by 5:00PM Beirut Time.

April, 16 2020: Social Impact anticipates selecting the firm

May 01, 2020: Social Impact estimates as the award’s date of performance.

How to apply

Offers must be received no later than 5:00PM Beirut Time on April 9, 2020, by email. All offers and questions must be sent to the attention of Hiba Shatila, Operation Manager, at the emails listed in the RFP.  Please reference “RFP Data Collection for FFP monitoring assistance” in the subject line of your email.

Due to the  government decree regarding the cars circulation by plate numbers which limits transportation, feel free to submit your proposal by Tuesday 14 April, 2020.

Please note that you can submit your proposal either in LBP or USD.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 09. أبريل 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
السكان النازحون, تمويل إنساني وتنموي, اللاجئين, بحوث ودراسات