Team challenges when working with Volunteers & possible interventions

Influence youth – The Project:

“Influence Youth” Erasmus Plus training was organized by TIA Hungary in collaboration with Chabibeh Sporting Club, from 25 October till 1 November 2019 in Smar Jbeil, Lebanon. The training course focused on developing the skills and competences of youth workers to empower them to take up leadership positions and to equip them with tools to lead a youth organization.

The project included partners and participants from: Hungary, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Palestine, Morocco,  Spain, and United Kingdom

Team Challenges when working with Volunteers & possible interventions - The Workshop:

On 26 October 2019 , a workshop was held during which participants were divided in groups. In each group, each participant shared the main challenges he/she faces when working with volunteers, and got feedback/suggestions/solutions from other participants.

This document compiles the challenges discussed and the suggestion shared by the participants.

Chabibeh Club
تاريخ النشر: 
الأحد, 10 نوفمبر 2019
نوع المورد: 
Activity Reports
TIA NGO - Hungary
بدعم من: 
Erasmus Plus Program