IT companies: services and provision of equipment

Legal Action

Legal Action (LA) is a Lebanese non-profit organisation comprised of human rights lawyers focused on identifying creative avenues for accessing justice for those who are experiencing protracted violations of their human rights. LA is funded by Legal Action Worldwide (LAW), an independent and unique non-profit network and think tank of lawyers who provide creative legal assistance in fragile and conflict-affected areas.


LA database and IT needs


LA’s Beirut office oversees projects in Lebanon and Syria and has around 20 staff. LA uses a personalised database on Sharepoint to store all of its files, as well as to undertake legal case management. LA Legal Information Officers (LIOs) conduct outreach amongst marginalised populations using tablets, on which they upload information directly to Sharepoint. Other staff have LA laptops. Our email system is based on Microsoft Office 365.


Call for tender

LA is looking for an Information Technology (IT) company to:

  • Provide ad hoc IT advice, including responding to queries relating to Sharepoint, Microsoft 365, and questions about the operational systems of the computers, laptops and tablets;
  • Provide us with phones, computers, laptops, tablets, printers and other equipment as necessary, including providing us with competitive quotes for each item;
  • Fix IT equipment, regardless of whether it was purchased through the company, in LA offices and legal aid centres in Beirut, Akkar and North;
  • Troubleshoots all problems relating to IT.

Expertise and the ability to provide advice related to electronic security, including data protection and end-to-end encryption software, is not essential but is preferred. 

How to apply

To apply, please send a quote for one year of service and an example of the equipment your company has available by 25 October to Bassel Sawah at [email protected].

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 25. أكتوبر 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية, القانون والشؤون القانونية, العلوم والتكنولوجيا