Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Partners’ Identification for Shelter Rehabilitation Project


HEKS/EPER is a Swiss INGO founded in 1946 and based in Zurich. HEKS/EPER is supporting local partner organizations with around 200 projects in 34 key countries worldwide. HEKS/EPER builds on strong partnerships with local NGOs active in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. In Lebanon, HEKS/EPER has been supporting local NGOs since the 1970s to address the needs of both the most vulnerable Lebanese and refugee communities.

In alignment with its new strategy for the Middle East and through a potential funding from a Swiss donor, HEKS/EPER seeks to identify partners with which a shelter rehabilitation project could be implemented.

The envisaged shelter project should aim to contribute to one of the following: restoration of livelihoods, improved protection of vulnerable members of the community and/or resumption of social activities or improved access to health and education. These elements should be implemented through coordination with the other relevant actors and through judicious choice of project location(s).

Priority will be given to the project that demonstrates a comprehensive approach and positively impacts other sectors as well such as livelihoods and social stability.


Key role of the identified NGO would be to implement program activities in close coordination and collaboration with local authorities and HEKS/EPER in accordance with the Shelter sector guidelines.

HEKS/EPER would like to support a partner in implementing a shelter rehabilitation project for the most vulnerable refugees living in Lebanon as well as host communities. The project should be situated within the following sectors:

  • Shelter
  • Livelihoods


  1. Valid registration with the Lebanese Government;
  2. Extensive experience in projects implementation following the common project-cycle management tools;
  3. Previous working experience in Humanitarian Aid particularly within the Syrian crisis response;
  4. Track record of strong partnership with local communities, community-based organizations and government agencies in previous assignments;
  5. At least five years of working experience in the field of the sectors mentioned above;
  6. Qualified core staff at field level and management level in areas mentioned above in (E) and in project areas;
  7. Sound financial management and internal financial control system with timely audit record.


A three-phase selection process will be put in place which includes:

  1. Submission of expression of Interest (EOI); Please download the submission template of the “Preliminary Implementing Partner Assessment Tool”
  2. Field verification of the shortlisted NGOs
  3. One-to-one meetings to fill the full partner assessment for the shortlisted NGOs

Contract Details:

The Partnership agreement with the partner NGOs will be made for a period of 6 months, with a project volume of USD 150,000-500,000



How to apply


Interested NGOs should submit the completed “Preliminary Implementing Partner Assessment Tool”  by the 10th of January 2019, before 5:00pm to [email protected] with “EOI-JRZ-LEBANON-NAME OF NGO” in the subject field.

Note: Due to the large number of applications, only shortlisted NGOs will be contacted.



منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 10. يناير 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم طلبات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
خدمات الإغاثة