
World Vision Lebanon is looking for a Bus Assistant in the Area of Tebnine for the period of 4 Months.

الجمعة, 6 يوليو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

What is GIL: Brief Description
GIL is a programme designed to address the high youth unemployment rates and the inaccessibility of the knowledge economy for the youth population across Lebanon. At Nawaya, marginalized youth are trained in Design Thinking for 9 days and Business Development for another 9 days, and throughout the 18 days youth come up with a project idea and they refine it to become a viable project. After the initial training phase, youth with a viable project idea are chosen for the incubation phase where they receive further support in their project developmen

السبت, 14 يوليو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states, regional bodies, business foundations and individual contributions. UNRWA has identified four human development goals as the focus of the Agency’s operations in committing to fostering human development of Palestine refugees by helping them to: lead long and healthy lives, acquire knowledge and skills, achieve decent standards of living and enjoy human rights to the fullest possible extent.

الأحد, 15 يوليو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

السياق التنظيمي

الوظائف تابعة للمديرية العامة للاحوال الشخصية. بالنسبة لوظيفة بيروت، الموظف سيعمل ضمن دائرة وقوعات الاجانب في بيروت. بالنسبة لباقي الوظائف سيكون العمل ضمن دوائر النفوس في المحافظات الاقليمية: البقاع، جبل لبنان، شمال، الجنوب، والنبطية. من مسؤوليات الموظف معاونة الدوائر في تسجيل وقوعات الاحوال الشخصية واعداد التقارير. يكون الموظف تابعا لرئيس الدائرة مباشرة.  

طبيعة العمل

طبيعة العمل

يكون الموظف تابعا ويقدم التقارير لرئيس الدائرة مباشرة ويكون مسؤؤلا عن:

ادخال الوقوعات المنفذة في دوائر الاجانب على الكمبيوتر،

 اعداد تقارير شهرية عن كافة الوقوعات،

 معاونة رئي

الأحد, 8 يوليو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

JOB TITLE: Emergency Safe Housing Program Manager

DURATION: 1 year (renewable), initial probation of 3 months

LOCATION: Southern Lebanon.

الأربعاء, 4 يوليو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Through community based approach (educational and outreaching activities), the Foreign Language Group (FLG) coordinator is responsible to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the FLG program within its time frame.

السبت, 30 يونيو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status.
Compliance; Ethics: Promotes and encourages a culture of compliance and ethics throughout International Medical Corps. As applicable to the position, maintains a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards. Conducts work with the highest level of integrity.

الجمعة, 10 آب 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Under the direct supervision of the Health Project Manager, the Team Manager for Primary Health Care Centers is responsible of the overall coordination of the Community Health Interventions and outreach activities implemented in the catchment area of the Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCCs) or other detected priority areas. Ensure the strategy defined by the Health Coordinator and Health PM is implemented accordingly.

الأحد, 30 سبتمبر 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

The Nawaya Network is an NGO that develops the employability and entrepreneurial skills of underprivileged and marginalized youth.
One of the programs is called "Generation of Innovation Leaders" in partnership with UNICEF, which trains underprivileged Lebanese and refugee youth on how to launch micro-enterprises to generate income. 

Since 2016, Nawaya has supported over 5,000 youth in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and the South. 

الاثنين, 5 آب 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

In March 2016, Fratelli Association opened a social and educative center in the old school of the Marists Brothers in Rmeileh. The aim of the center is to implement programs for children and the youth living in vulnerable situations due to social difficulties or war. Today, the center welcomes 70 children from 5 to 13 year old, mainly syrian refugees. Educative activities are organized from Monday to Friday in the center.

السبت, 31 ديسمبر 2016
منتهية الصلاحية