
تاريخ البداية: 
02/05/2024 - 4:00am

برنامج يتضمن دروساً نظرياً وتدريباً تطبيقياً (تخصصياً) بالإضافة لامتلاك مهارات حياتية
إبتداءً من أيار 2024 ولمدة 10 أسابيع

تاريخ البداية: 
21/10/2023 - 9:00am

التعامل مع المشاعر والأحكام والاحتياجات "الصعبة"
لرفع مستوى التواصل والتفاهم والحرية الداخلية

يوم السبت 21 تشرين الأول, من 9 صباحاً حتى 5 مساءً، بيروت "حضور شخصي"
آخر موعد للتسجيل: 13 تشرين الأول2023
الميسر: حمادة جمعة، لغة الورشة: العربية، التكلفة: مجانية

تاريخ البداية: 
13/04/2023 - 1:15pm

In this LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation™ online workshop, you will get introduced to the concepts of sustainable, high performance Green Building, as well as methods for design, construction and evaluation. This course will offer all you need in resources to pass the official exam, including 15 hours of intensive training with access to seven full practice tests, in addition to 350 flashcard. Each session is three hours and covers one to two modules with practice questions done together with the instructor after each category.

تاريخ البداية: 
09/02/2020 - 2:00pm

The Professional Fellows Program (PFP) 2020 for Economic Empowerment is now accepting applications for mid-career professionals working on economic empowerment in their communities. Apply today!

تاريخ البداية: 
07/11/2019 - 11:15am

تعلن جمعية لمسة ورد لدعم النفسي و التنمية و بالتعاون مع منظمة مسلم ايد على اطلاق برنامج "Future Road" في شمال لبنان و الذي يهدف إلى تمكين الشباب و دعمهم ليتمكنوا من دخول سوق العمل من خلال مجموعة من التدريبات و الدورات المجانية في شمال لبنان.

تاريخ البداية: 
01/11/2018 - 9:00am

ARC is a regional non-profit independent organization founded in 1988. ARC’s mission is to build on the capacities of each person and on people’s experience in order to develop knowledge and translate rights into reality. It adopts a holistic and integrated approach to development and practices collective work through consultation, networking, and partnerships.

تاريخ البداية: 
12/04/2018 - 6:00pm

Recently, project management has been increasingly changing from a systemic tools approach to a more integrated, holistic, contextual, and behavioral discipline. In fact, at a societal level, project management principles are being used and implemented everywhere throughout the public, private, industrial and non-for-profit sectors. NGO’s in particular are increasingly relying on professional project and program managers to drive complex projects that are critical to the organization’s success in implementing strategic management initiatives, and in using/reusing efficiently and effectively the funds provided to them. 

تاريخ البداية: 
12/03/2018 - 6:00pm

This course is targeted for NGOs
