Terms of Reference

World Vision – Lebanon

Advocacy project

November 2013

Document Purpose

This document outlines the goals of the theatrical committee training’s, the responsibilities of World Vision (first party), and the responsibilities of potential contracted second parties. It also defines the process interested second parties must undergo in order to bid for contract fulfillment, as well as a timeframe for overall project success.

Project Description

The objective of the project is to create committee from youth in the Bekaa area in order to be able to train children on theatrical issues and help them how to express their opinion through theater.

The committee is already created from two years ago and named “Theatrical committee”. The members of this committee are from different youth groups of the Bekaa area. We improved their skills and capacity building on theatrical Techniques .Most of their achievements :in the first year create two videos related to fire and earthquake and in the second year produced a theatrical play named “World of dreams” for children talked on three topics: Children rights –healthy nutrition and safety online.

We will continue on FY14 on the following points:

First: Train youth on how to work with children and learn them on theatrical Techniques and how they can express through theater.

Second: Create theatrical play to be presented for the community

Third: Make field visit to the villages to make follow up with the members of the theatrical committee.

Contractor (Second Party) Specifications

A qualified candidate for the second party contractor must:

Be organization/trainer able to work with the youth on the theatrical issues. Be experienced in working on theater with children and youth . Be sufficiently able to fulfill contract requirements within specified timeframe (includes adequate staffing) Submit all specified bidding documents by November 25, 2013

Program Specifications

Subject/Session Month ADP Duration of the session 5 Trainings December-January-March-April- -July West,Central and Zahle 5 hours each training 2 Meetings February -May West,Central and Zahle 2 hours each meeting 6 Performances July -August West,Central and Zahle One hour for each performance(3 in July and 3 in August) 2 Field visit April West Bekaa 2 hours 2 Field visit March Central Bekaa 2 hours 2Field visit March Zahle 2 hours

Party Responsibilities

World Vision (First Party)

The first party agrees to:

Provide sufficient project funding. Review second party reports and provide general oversight as necessary.

Contractor (Second Party)

The second party agrees to:

Submit a report detailing:

Attendance at these sessions Narrative Report

Project Timeframe

Bids submitted: Contract signed:
Required Documents for Bid

Potential second party must submit the following documents to be considered for the project to the email address "[email protected]" Not to forget to name the subject "Advocacy project":

Legal registration/certificate for being an official organization. Proposed budget, detailing: Sessions cost Workshop costs

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 27. نوفمبر 2013
نوع الدعوة
قطاع(ات) التدخل: