World Vision - Calls

World Vision

سنة التأسيس: 
Al Mountazah
الهاتف: +9614401980
Fax: +9614401982
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني عالمية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
حقوق الإنسان والحماية



1038121 WVL I Call for Tender I End of Project Evaluation for BPRM Project.

الأربعاء, 24 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Dear Valued Supplier,

WVL intends to award a contract that seeks the services of supply and transportation of concrete pipes DN 400 for irrigation use in Qaraoun – Bekaa.

الثلاثاء, 16 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

WVL intends to award a contract that seeks the services of the supply and transportation of construction materials to different sites. The supplier must adhere to the engineer’s requests regarding time and quantity for each type of material and should be able to provide materials on different sites at the same time, ensuring a proper implementation.

All Details information about the Project and Tender as per attached RFQ that includes: (PDF file: 1260778- BOQ – Construction Material - WFP-FFA PROJECT_AKKAR 2019-2020 Phase 2

الاثنين, 15 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

World Vision is looking for a Contractor to provided formwork and construction equipment in Bekaa areas.

More Detailed information about the Tender will be shared with Tender Documentation to interested Companies/Consultants.

All National Companies interested in Tender participation should submit the Letter of Interest to WV Lebanon Procurement email address [email protected], to receive the Tender Documentation.

الجمعة, 19 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Dear Valued Supplier,

WVL intends to award a contract that seeks the services of a professional contractor to execute an irrigation canal of 1 Km (internal size 100cm*125cm) in Knaysseh- Akkar, to provide and install concrete culverts as per the mentioned quantities and locations in the BoQ as well as cylinder concrete tests for each 30 linear meter of the executed canal

All Details information about the Project and Tender as per attached RFQ that includes: (PDF file: 1188553 - Bill Of Quantities - Equipment and Culverts –Akkar-WFP-FFA Project 2020- Phase 2

الأربعاء, 10 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

1276341 I WVL I Call for Tender I Supply of Reinforcing Steel for Bekaa and Akkar Areas.

الأربعاء, 17 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

1275645 1 WVL I Call for Tender I Supply of construction material for Bekaa

الأربعاء, 17 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

رقم المناقصه :2095
إعلان مناقصة
تعلن منظمة الرؤية العالمية عن رغبتها باستدراج عروض اسعار من أجل خدمة إزالة المياه المبتذلة من المخيّمات غير الرسمية في البقاع في المناطق المذكورة ادناه:
ان يرسل العرض بالايميل ضمن اخر يوم من انتهاء موعد المناقصه الموافق في 19 حزيران 2020

الجمعة, 19 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

1211459 - WVL I Call for Tender I Consultant to prepare a series of short educational videos.
World Vision Lebanon is planning to prepare a series of short videos (5 to 10 minutes each) that aim to improve the knowledge of teachers and promote their capacities to prepare and deliver virtual classes in order to reach better the students. These videos will not only serve the COVID-19 response but also act as a preparatory measure for any future crisis or disruption of schools amid the current political and economical crisis facing the country.

الخميس, 21 مايو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

1230441 I WVL I Call for Tender - Pilot Project for Wastewater Treatment in 7 ISs1WVL.

الجمعة, 24 أبريل 2020
منتهية الصلاحية