WO-MAN together Association - About

WO-MAN together Association

سنة التأسيس: 
Al Badaoui project -Gilbert Wakim Property -Block B- 1st Floor Zouk Mosbeh , Mount Lebanon
الهاتف: 00961 3 263194 -00961 70 140655
Mount Lebanon LB
Al Badaoui project -Gilbert Wakim Property -Block B- 1st Floor Zouk Mosbeh , Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon LB
Zouk Mosbeh , Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon LB
Zouk Mosbeh , Mount Lebanon
Mount Lebanon LB
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي

In "WO-MAN together" Association, although the woman has a balanced presence, the man has an efficient one too!
Both of us, "WO-MAN together", work jointly to face our problems because we strongly believe that women’s issues in our Lebanese society in particular and in our Eastern societies in general, are not only HERS but also man’s concern. "

Based on the above, and inspired by this firm orientation, the name "WO-MAN together" was adopted, and we were determined to invite a man to join us in our founding committee, thus gaining the credibility of the name, in order to have a more effective mobility and better impact, and achieve the goals that we have dedicated ourselves to reach, which fall under the following:

First: Building team cooperation among the members of the "Association", through the consolidation of their constructive efforts to serve the community at various levels: educational,
cultural, economic, agricultural, environmental and rural development.

Second: Adopting serious and objective studies, by referring to reliable and documented reports, and making these studies and reports operational in the various fields in which our "Association", performs its activities.

Third : Organization of training courses, specialized seminars and symposia, covering the various frameworks and objectives that the "Association" seeks to achieve within its scope.

Fourth : Cooperation and networking with other associations and local institutional frameworks, which intersect with our society: vision, goals and mechanisms of action, making our work more effective and useful, on the basis of mutual benefits.

Fifth: Strengthening close relations of cooperation with civil associations outside Lebanon (Arab and foreign), enriching our activities and achieving mutual advantage. This matter is gaining importance, in terms of the unity of concerns and issues experienced by humanity, in light of the revolution of comprehensive communication and digital revolution, which
is transforming the globe into a small global village!

Sixth : While cooperating with men, the "Association" will work relentlessly to confront all forms of discrimination between women and men through various events, highlighting the image of women in all fields, especially in their role in the political equation and other relevant decision-making positions.

Seventh: we are convinced of the role of the child and the reflection of this role at all age levels. The "Association" organizes various activities aiming to raise awareness about the rights of the child, foremost among which is the obligation to educate up to a reasonable age and to confront child labor. Not to mention ensuring him full psychological and moral support.

Eighth: Based on the unity of religious truth and brotherhood among human beings, the "Association" will endeavor, through its serious activities, to activate the dialogue between religions and civilizations, in order to accept the other even if different, and to convey this dialogue from its elite framework to the broader framework, so that it would spread throughout
all the categories of the society.

Ninth: The "Association" will provide to anyone who wishes, consultations, scientific research and documented reports from members to associations in Lebanon and abroad.

Tenth: Documentation of the various activities of the "Association" through the issuance of books and periodicals, in order to preserve them, and become a resource that could be beneficiary for itself and others.

Zouk Mosbeh
00961 3 263194 -00961 70 140655
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Mrs. May Wakim/Mrs. Sonia Massoud Yammine / Mrs. Mona Accaoui
منصب الشخص المسؤول: 
President /Vice president / Founder and Counselor
رقم الهاتف للشخص المسؤول: 
00961 3 263194 / 00961 70 140655
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 