Call For Applications: Csos Institutional Strengthening Program

Call for Applications


Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) in partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is pleased to announce the launch of a Call for Applications for its CSOs Institutional Strengthening Program, funded by The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).

This program is designed to enhance the internal capacity of a number of nascent civil society organizations (CSOs) in Lebanon, while establishing and promoting networks and linkages among them.


Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) is one of the oldest universities in Lebanon, with over 138 years of academic experience. USJ has never limited its mission to formal teaching and research, as it has been an active actor in Lebanese society, by providing sustainable community services and humanitarian assistance.

In early 2013, and in line with its social and civic commitment, Saint-Joseph University has initiated an ambitious partnership with Catholic Relief Services that seeks to develop a vibrant and democratic civil society in Lebanon.

The USJ Mentor Unit, combining the knowledge and the expertise of two academic institutions, The Faculty of Business Administration and Management (FGM) and The Lebanese School of Social Work (ELFS), was created to support nascent CSOs, and to help them strengthen their institutional capacities, through tailor-made training and coaching programs.


Funded by MEPI, the Institutional Strengthening Program aims to enhance the managerial and financial abilities of CSOs; in order to assist them in achieving the most definitive impact possible, through the best organizational practice.

The program will focus on areas essential to the life and long-term sustainability of the CSOs. These may comprise, but are not limited to:

Strategic planning Institutional governance Policies and procedures Human Resources management Financial management Advocacy and awareness raising Coalition building and networking Fundraising and proposal writing Monitoring and evaluation
However, areas of need may differ between organizations. Therefore, the program will start with a participatory assessment of each CSO internal capacities resulting, in the creation of a tailored development plan.

As for the approach adopted in the program, it will mainly rely on ongoing coaching and on-the-job training implemented by qualified mentors and designed to meet the CSOs specific needs. In addition, it will include:

General training and workshops Customized materials and resources Periodical networking opportunities Tailored IT support A donor fair to introduce CSOs to potential donors

CSOs from all over Lebanon and from different sectors (i.e. including the environment, education, youth and gender issues) are invited to apply to benefit from the Institutional Strengthening Program.

Among the criteria to be used for selection we mention the following:

- Be legally-registered as a Lebanese NGO

- Be newly established (maximum 3 years), or resuming their activities (even if registered for longer than 3 years)

- Be already-engaged, or willing to engage in advocacy, and or public awareness activities.

- Be working, or willing to work in coalitions and networks; including with organizations with different backgrounds and inspiration.

- Demonstrate existence of/or possibility for an active and transparent Administrative Board.

- Have an identified location

- Show commitment for the whole program period of approximately 10 months.

- Have a minimum of two paid staff members, and or three board members willing to invest time and effort in the capacity building process, and to pass on learning to other members and staff.


The selection of CSOs will be performed in two phases: the first phase consists in the submission of a written application. Based on the information provided in the application, preselected CSOs will be contacted for an interview, after which final selection will be made.

To express interest, kindly-complete the attached Application Form in either Arabic or English, and submit it via email [email protected] via Fax: 01 421 026, att. Mentor Unit. The deadline for application isThursday June 27, 2013.

Further information on the Institutional Strengthening Program can be obtained from:

The Assistant Project Manager

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 961 1 421 260

Website :

Related documents:

Call for application English

Call for application Arabic

Application form English

Application form Arabic

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 27. يونيو 2013
نوع الدعوة
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