Solidarity Association For Social & Cultural Development (Tadamon)

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
24/04/2020 - 1:51م

.A registered NGO, works among the Refugee Palestinian women & children in Lebanon
It was establishment in December 7th 2005.

Promote the education of woman and child's rights, and empowering women   and children in the Palestinian camps & gatherings on the social, educational and economical sides

The consciousness on child's rights and protection developed.
The consciousness on woman's rights to equality & protection from GBV is developed.
The school achieving & regularity are improved among UNRWA school students.
The school drop- out among the students of UNRWA schools is decreased.
Long life skills enhance children, young and women self-confidence are developed.
Women and children psychosocial problems are alleviated.
Women and young children vocational & economic skills are developed.
Friendly spaces are available for children, young boys & girls at increased risks.
Woman rights to equality & protection from GBV are well-addressed.
Child's rights to education quality & protection from abuse & exploitation are addressed.

1. New Start
Protection & psychosocial support program for children & teen-ages (3-18 years old) comprises:

Child-rights based awareness.
Literacy classes.
School integration grants & follow up.
Psychosocial follow & referring.
Friendly vocational training.
Sport, entertainment &recreation.

 2. Education for Life
 Education support & long life skills for children & youth aged (6-18 years old) comprises:

Remedial education.
Literacy & numeracy.
Within school & family follow up.
Long-life skills training.
In-kind school incentives.

 3. Equality
Woman and girl's rights based awareness & empowerment program. It targets those at risk of GBV, extreme poverty, illiteracy, negative impacts of armed conflicts & security restrictions comprises:

Woman rights–based preventive & reproductive health awareness.
Vocational training grants & micro- credit for economic activities.
Life skills training.
Social follow up and referring   for psychosocial & legal aid. 

4. Out of conflict
Relief & recovery for women & children affected by armed conflict comprises:

In-kind assistance.
Psychosocial follow up & referring.
Woman and child rights-based awareness.
Preventive and reproductive health awareness.
Vocational training & micro –credit grants.
Education support & school integration.
Sport & entertainment.

 5. Aswatona

Child led advocacy & community sensation
Woman led advocacy & community sensation. 

نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
سنة التأسيس: 
بلد المنشأ: 
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
الأطفال والشباب
السكان النازحون
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
حالة وقضايا النساء
منصب الشخص المسؤول: 
Executive Manager
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 
رقم الهاتف للشخص المسؤول: 
Mohammad Salam Street P.O.Box: 14\6446
Beirut , Beirut
الهاتف: +9611301548
Fax: +9611301548
Beirut LB
Mohammad Salam Street
P.O.Box: 14\6446
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Khalidat Hussein



تعلن جمعية التضامن للتنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية عن حاجاتها الى ميسرة تدريبية على حقوق الطفل والحوكمة وذلك للعمل في مراكزها في شاتيلا.

الاثنين, 7 أكتوبر 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

تعلن جمعية التضامن للتنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية عن حاجتها لمعلمات متخصصات في اللغة العربية او اللغة الإنكليزية او الرياضيات.

الثلاثاء, 26 مارس 2019
منتهية الصلاحية


لا يوجد محتوى في هذا القسم بعد.


لا يوجد محتوى في هذا القسم بعد.

بيانات صحفية

لا يوجد محتوى في هذا القسم بعد.



تعلن جمعية التضامن عن حاجتها لتوظيف منشط /منشطة (عدد 1) للعمل في مشروع دعم خدمات الحماية للأطفال والنساء والعائلات في المخيمات والتجمعات الفلسطينيةبدعم من منظمة اليونسيف وبالشراكة مع ماب.

الأربعاء, 7 فبراير 2024
منتهية الصلاحية

Key Responsibilities:
• Teaching students according to their educational needs, abilities, and individual attainment potentials of students who are entrusted to his/her care.
• Responsible for submitting daily timesheet to the line manager.
• Assigning the needs of students and using knowledge and specialized skills to support students’ learning;
• Working with selected students, on individual and small group basis, in learning support interventions specifically designed to support their needs, including basic skills in Arabic, English and Math to support the students from grade 2 to grade

الأحد, 10 ديسمبر 2023
منتهية الصلاحية