This report is the result of 4 weeks’ field work from April 22 to May 17 carried out in the two districts of Zgharta and Minieh-Dennieh by SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s (SI) outreach workers. During the assessment, the outreach team visited 21 villages and interviewing 575 of the approximately 6,300 households registered by UNHCR. It must be noted, however, that this sample may not be representative of the whole refugee population in the two districts, as the outreach teams were concentrating on locations hosting the most refugees, and specifically seeking out the most vulnerable among them. The general objective of this assessment was to have an in-depth understanding of the needs and vulnerabilities of the people affected by the Syrian crisis and, more specifically, to have more insight into the vulnerabilities as concerns the WASH, shelter, livelihoods and NFI sectors, and to characterize the refugee population and host communities according to these vulnerabilities.

Solidarité International
تاريخ النشر: 
الثلاثاء, 1 يناير 2013
نوع المورد: 
Studies and Reports
Refugees, Shelter & Housing, Water Sanitation & Hygiene, Livelihoods & Labour Rights