Socio-Economic Action Collective - SEAC - About
Socio-Economic Action Collective - SEAC
التبويبات الأساسية
Economic, social, and cultural transformations generated by brutal economic policies and forced integration into a demanding local and global market create multi-layered challenges that in turn require multi-layered analysis and radical solutions.
SEAC envisions the fulfillment of economic, social, and cultural rights for all segments and components of society in Lebanon through innovative bottom-up approaches to socio-economic empowerment.
Economic stability leads to empowerment, autonomy, and social security, which contributes to social cohesion, peace, and positive development. It entails building safety nets and resilient networks to mitigate against economic, social, and cultural threats, as well as the security risks menacing refugees, migrants, and other marginalized groups, brought about by an atmosphere of state-sponsored xenophobia.