Expanding Economic Opportunities In Lebanon

Under funding from the USAID, SRI has been working to advance Lebanon s economic development since 1997. The goal of the current 2005-2008 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Lebanon Project is to increase sustainable employment and economic activity in rural Lebanon. Working in partnership with the Social and Cultural Development Association (INMA).

الأهداف العامة: 
Tourism: SRI is working with key public and private sector stakeholders to promote Lebanon as a world-class destination with diverse offerings, and to spread the economic benefits of tourism throughout the country. Agribusiness: SRI is providing financial, technical, and marketing support to Lebanese farmers and agribusiness companies to help increase overseas sales and expand market presence, reduce costs and increase productivity, and generate higher incomes and employment opportunities in rural Lebanon. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): SRI is working in collaboration with local communities, the Professional Computer Association (PCA) and other ICT industry stakeholders.
Tourism: Marketing, Promotion, Product Development, Training, Building Tourism Information Infrastructurewww.LebanonMaps.net / www.LebanonMaps.com.lb, and Helping Tourism Businesses Grow and Prosper. Agribusiness: Marketing and Export Promotion, Technical Assistance and Facilitating Cluster Linkages and Expanding Markets. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Providing IT Support to Small Businesses, Reducing the Digital Divide and Filling the Information/Statistics Gap.
تاريخ البداية
سبت, 19/11/2005 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
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مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
Partner - SRI International, USAID