Analytical Study On Inmates And Their Families In South Lebanon

   This study targeted the prisons in South Lebanon within the provinces of Tyre (Tyre prison) and Nabatiye (Nabatiye and Tebnin prisons). Its human and material limits were wide as it included most of the inmates in the three prisons and their families- whether living in or outside the south (Beirut, Baalabek, and Zahle) and remaining Lebanese regions. The main target was to detect and acquire knowledge about the social, educational, medical and economic needs of these families, to follow them up, and shed light on them through a program on which all public and private community stakeholders can build on.
   It is important to point out that this study is the first of its kind in the South. It revealed many overlapping loops and tangled variables, each affecting the other and affected by the other in light of a disconnected social situation the families are facing and of a public facility (the prison) that suffered many consecutive problems and crises. It seems that all these loops emerging from this facility- we mean here the prison with all its derivatives and outbuildings- are not isolated from other administrative, legal, social loops.
   In this study, we will deal with the full needs of the inmate through his family, shedding light on all the basic daily life needs that could be of use to researchers as a pillar to their future research in this field.
   The analysis of the database in this report came from different sources: the inmate himself, the prison and the Internal Security Forces (ISF), the families, and the ministry of social affairs. This report is also based on notes and direct observations of the field teams during visits to prisons. This study benefited as well from the opinions and personal experiences of a number of individuals and entities that were interviewed in preparation for this report.
   The report tackles the issue of prisons from a socio-economic viewpoint since it falls under the project for raising the income of families through reintegrating them in society via the program funded by DROSOS international Swiss foundation. Therefore, this report does not include in a direct manner data related to the good administration of prisons, treatment of inmates, or other security issues like the escape of inmates, rights of inmates or their legal status… Nonetheless, the report managed to present some recommendations in this regard at the administrative and legislative levels.

Sheild - Social, Humanitarian, Economical Intervention For Local Development
تاريخ النشر: 
الأربعاء, 14 مارس 2012
نوع المورد: 
Studies and Reports
Human Rights & Protection