Mommy Made
Mommy Made social enterprise is a catering line that dedicates all of its profits to recruit, train and employ women with social or financial needs.
Since 2012 Mommy Made supported 15 women and integrated 17 of their children in schools.
You can support this cause by buying high quality & well priced catering from Mommy Made for all your personal and corporate events.
For more info, you can call us on : 09-232658 or 71-061749 or visit our website and social media:
الأهداف العامة:
-Transform the lives of underprivileged families by providing the mothers training and work so they will get good salaries to sustain their families.
-Educate their children at affordable schoo. This will keep them of the streets, and will provide them a better future.
-The most important objective in our project is to take out the women from poverty to live in dignity.
On the catering level, Mommy Made professional chefs assisted by the trained mothers work in a professional Kitchen to provide a full menu of Food & Beverage (Appetizers, salads, cold & hot dishes, desserts, drinks) in addition to a full service (refrigerated transportation vans, cutlery, waiters...).
Mommy Made can cater for all events such as conferences, workshops, trainings and religious ceremonies. Events can be from 12 people to more than 1000 people.
On the training Level, as we believe that women have the right to work, sustain their families and live in dignity, Mommy Made program was launched a full program that recruits, trains and employs underprivileged mothers and transform them into self-sufficient persons and have better lives for their families.
How can Mommy Made achieve this?
1. Recruit: our first step is to recruit for employment several mothers in underprivileged regions. The selection is being made in several regions of Lebanon in collaboration with several NGOs. The criteria of selection are based on financial need and social situation of the families (Widows, children having special needs…).
2. Train: The mothers are going to receive a full training from experts (Chefs, ISO consultants and food safety trainers) in order to provide the quality wanted by Mommy Made. The initial skills of mothers cooking at home are going to be very helpful in achieving our goals.
3. Employ: Mothers are employed in all sections of Mommy Made (cooking, catering, driving…).
4. Education for children: The children of these mothers are integrated in public and private schools around their residency location. This will improve the lives of these families on the long term, and take them definitively out of poverty.
تاريخ البداية
جمعة, 15/06/2012 - 3:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب, الغذاء والتغذية, حالة وقضايا النساء
مكان المشروع:
See map: Google Maps
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
We work in collaboration with INJAZ Lebanon and Lebanese Food Bank NGOs.