SIF has been present in Lebanon since 2012, implementing projects aiming to support and strengthen protection for children and adolescents amongst the Syrian-Crisis affected population as well spread the peace and reconciliation themes and promote social cohesion. 


SIF is seeking to involve 40 youths aged between 13 to 16 years old (boys and girls / different nationalities) in a summer camp. 


The overall aim of the summer camp is to engage youth in interactive activities that encourage peace, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity in a safe environment where they feel comfortable, have fun, learn new and interesting things about life and themselves.


As a result the main objectives of the summer camp are to:

  •  Establish a safe and welcoming environment for entertainment, education and socialization of youths, with a special focus on vulnerable ones at risk;
  • strengthen their physical and emotional skills to cope with new experiences and challenges;
  • Develop skills to express and communicate their thoughts and concerns;
  • Build confidence in themselves by developing new friendships and actively participating in inclusive activities.


Moreover and through the camp, youths will understand better the importance of preserving natural resources and respecting the nature. 


SIF is opening the call for expression of interest for Local Non-Governmental Organizations (LNGO) to submit their offer as per the following requirements.



1. Requirements for the Summer Camp Proposals:

Target group: Youths at risk

Timeframe: 6 days (end of July- beginning of August 2018)

Location: Mount Lebanon


2. Criteria for LNGO:

To be registered as a Local Nongovernmental Organization;
To have business certificate, bank account in the name of the NGO, fiscal number certificate and the stamp;
To have proven skills, desire and previous experience in working with youths, specifically the ones in need of protection from most marginalized groups of our society;
To have the knowledge, care and attention regarding the needs and specific issues regarding children rights;
To demonstrate knowledge and experience in promoting the best interest of the child as well as child participation and empowerment;

To have previous experience of organizing summer camp for large group of youth

To have dedicated, sufficient, experienced and trained staff to take care of a large group of youth on a 24/7 basis, during 6 days,

To have experience with International NGOs is a plus


3. Documents to be submitted preferably in English:

SIF already identified the premises, located in Chouf, close to Ramlieh village, in Aley District.

Food will be provided by SIF.

The submitted proposal should clarify how the activities are designed to reach the objective of the camp and include the following details:

  • Detailing specific activities such as Life-skills, handcrafts, recycling, sports, cultural visits…. Considering 24 hours of activities and supervision
  • Detailing the timeline of the activities ( from wakeup to bed time)
  • Qualified staff involved in the camp (CV including Educational and Professional background)
  • Evaluation methods and visibility plan (movie, T-shirts, banners…)
  • Insurance for the participants (24hrs/6 days)
  • Detailed and precise budget (any amount above 200 USD needs to be itemized)
  • Certificate of registration as a Local Nongovernmental Organization
  • Fiscal number certificate
  • Bank account confirmation
  • Logo 


Criteria of Evaluation


Possible points

Technical Merit (Ability to meet scope of work/schedule)


Meets scope of work or specifications


Proposed activities are in the line with the project’s goals


Evaluation plans are clear and easy to be measured


Qualifications and Expertise


Demonstrated experience with similar activities particularly in integrating Lebanese and Syrian youths


Demonstrated experience on Child Protection


Staff are qualified




All legal papers are submitted


All requested papers (CV, project description, evaluation methods, etc..) have been submitted


Financial requirements


The proposal cost is within SIF budget for this activity


The budget is detailed


The support cost do not exceed the 35% of the total amount/budget (ex: logistic and finance costs)






How to apply

Interested applicants may request further details, as well as inquiries by sending an email to: [email protected]

  1. By mail at  [email protected] with the subject "Summer Camp"
  2. Hand delivered in a sealed envelope at SIF 12th floor, Kalot building,Tayoune roundabout, Beirut


Our Website:

Our Facebook page is Secours Islamique France-Lebanon

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 06. يونيو 2018
نوع الدعوة
دعوة للمشاركة‬
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب