Ryzomes - Calls


سنة التأسيس: 
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
المناصرة والتوعية
الديمقراطية والحقوق المدنية
بحوث ودراسات



Daleel Tadamon is an initiative under Ryzomes, that supports and encourages solidarity initiatives, collectives, micro, small, and medium-enterprises that sustainably invest in its resources with the aim of empowering and increasing local communities' resilience, economically and socially.
Daleel Tadamon is looking for trainers in different areas to support the delivery of a full accelerator program that aims at enhancing the capacity of more than 40 women and guiding them to initiate their enterprises successful.

السبت, 22 يناير 2022
منتهية الصلاحية