Invitation To Bid - Truck For Solid Waste Collection (Bireh, Akkar)
René Moawad Foundation (RMF) is a Lebanese non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization that was established on November 22, 1991 two years after President René Moawad’s assassination, who was elected President of the Lebanese Republic on November 5, 1989 and killed 17 days later. President René Moawad believed in a strong and democratic state and fought for a progressive and modern Lebanon, a peaceful Lebanon, which embraces the values of democracy, human rights, moderation and pluralism.
René Moawad Foundation (RMF) invites sealed bids from eligible companies for the supply of a truck for solid waste collection equipped with a tipper and with a capacity of 8 tons for the village of “Bireh, Akkar”; under the Assistance for Syrian refugees and affected populations in North Lebanon (WASH) project implemented by RMF and funded by UNHCR.
If interested, please send an email to [email protected] requesting the documents in soft copy.
The deadline for Submission is 23rd May, 2017.
Bids must be submitted back in sealed envelopes to Rene Moawad Foundation Beirut office (6th Floor, Al Mohameen Building, Alfred Naccache Street, Achrafieh Lebanon).