Consultant for the formation of a Syria partnership

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: 
توجيهات التقديم: 

The proposal together with the requested documents above is to be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The e-mail and all documents are to be marked with “External consultant for a Syria Partnership”. For questions regarding this assignment, kindly contact FCA Regional Director Pauliina Parhiala on email: [email protected]


Terms of Reference (ToR)

for the recruitment of a consultant for the formation of a Syria partnership

during the period 1 February to 31 March 2018



1.       Background information


Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, some 400,000 to 470,000 people have died and over half of the population has become displaced either to other places in the country or abroad[1]. Of those remaining in Syria, 69% are living in extreme poverty[2]. An estimated three in four Syrians of working age are not involved in any economic value generation. The damage to infrastructure has been devastating. An estimated 30% of all housing units are either destroyed or partially damaged[3] and two-thirds of the population has no longer consistent access to safe water. Furthermore over 6 million children do not receive proper and continuous education, and many are suffering from the psychological effects of displacement, deprivation and war[4].


On this background, and recognizing that Syria will need a combination of both continued humanitarian aid as well as recovery and rehabilitation assistance, six like-minded organizations have decided to recruit a consultant for developing a partnership for Syria. The six organizations are: Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DkH), FinnChurchAid (FCA), Hilfswerk der Evangelische Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS), Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO)/Kerk in Actie (KiA), International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA). All six organizations are currently providing assistance to Syria, and all have regional presence in Amman, Jordan. A common aim for all six organizations is to achieve better coordination of activities, improved information sharing, and to exploit synergies through better complementarity in programming, operations, capacity development and funding.



2.       Contract Objective and Expected Results


The overall objective with hiring a consultant is to guide and drive the process towards a joint partnership that builds on the reality inside Syria and on each organization’s strengths and strategies for providing humanitarian and recovery assistance to Syria.


Expected results:

·       An analysis of alternative partnership models based on the joint as well as each organization’s perceived benefits and contribution to a cooperation, and opportunities and limitations offered by the Syria context.

·       A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and additionally as agreed supporting documents, for the joint partnership outlining:

o   The agreed vision, purpose and scope for the cooperation

o   Areas and types of cooperation

o   Criteria for membership in the partnership

o   Benefits and commitments/obligations for member organizations

o   Distribution of complementary roles and responsibilities for each member organization

o   Relations to other stakeholders, networks and organizations

o   Risk management

o   Timeframes, needed human resources, financial requirements and accountability systems both towards partners and populations served as well as donors

o   The structure for the chosen partnership model including as needed, decision-making and management structures



3.       Scope of Services


The scope of services includes all aspects from carrying out relevant analysis and mapping for decision-making on alternative models for a partnership, to facilitating the six organizations’ elaborations and decisions on the same as well as the principles and framework for cooperation amongst the organizations being integrated in the partnership.


Specific activities include:

·       Mapping of each organization’s interests and needs with regards to a partnership as well as their relevant strategies and added value in terms of resources, expertise and programmatic specialization with respect to humanitarian and recovery interventions in Syria.

·       Analysis of the Syria context with regards to the legal environment, stakeholders including authorities, donors and civil society structures, existing or potential project implementation modalities, and as a consequence possible partnership models and their feasibility.

·       Facilitation and documentation of discussions amongst the six organizations with regards to possible partnership models and their benefits and limitations as well as needed commitments by the members.

·       Identification of suitable national implementing organisations for possible membership.

·       Development of a MoU and supporting documents, as well as facilitation of the process towards an agreement on the content of the same from all organizations included.



The analysis of the Syria context for a partnership and the mapping exercise will be based on a desk-review of the six organizations’ documentation as well as separate meetings with each one and with other potential partnership organisations operating inside Syria. In order to reach a consensus on a cooperation model as well as the MoU, the consultant will be expected to organize joint workshops as well as separate meetings with the six organizations. Furthermore he/she will be expected to establish and maintain frequent communication through the use of Skype, telephone, e-mail and personal meetings. Due to the need for frequent communication, it is preferred that the consultant will work from Amman, Jordan, for the whole or the largest part of this assignment.



Key milestones and expected deliveries:

1.       Report on Syria context and mapping exercise: This should include amongst others, a comparative overview of each organization’s interests, needs, strategies, program and expertise areas as well as resources. It should highlight areas of common interests as well as major differences. Furthermore it should include the analysis of the Syria context with regards to possible partnership models and outline their strengths and weaknesses. The report should serve as a basis for further elaborations and decisions on possible partnership models for the six organizations.

2.       Decision on partnership model: This should be based on the report in point 1 as well as elaborations and discussions in workshops with all six organizations.

3.       MoU for the partnership: This should be developed based on facilitated discussions with all six organizations. For the development of this MoU and related documents, the consultant will be expected to contribute with expertise from other partnership or consortia formations.

4.       Final report: The purpose of the final report is two-folded i.e. 1) To serve as a learning for future partnership processes between members of the ACT-Alliance and 2) To provide recommendations for the next steps in order to ensure a successful cooperation. The report should be presented in a final workshop with all six organizations present.


Core Tasks

Scoping meeting with the six organizations in Amman, Jordan:

·       Short orientation about each organization.

·       Clarification of tasks and documentation needs.

·       Agree on way forward.


Desk Review:

·       Review documentation related to the six organizations’ work.

·       Review documentation related to Syria and operational space.

·       Preparation for individual meetings.


Meetings with organizations (together and separately):

·       Interviews with regards to each organization’s interests, needs, strategies, resources and program and expertise areas.

·       Interviews with other organizations operating in Syria.


Milestone 1: Report on Syria context and mapping exercise

·       Please see above under point 1): Key milestones and expected deliveries.


Workshops and individual meetings with organizations:

·       Presentation and discussions on possible partnership models and their advantages and disadvantages.


Milestone 2: Decision on partnership model:

·       Please see above under point 2) Key milestones and expected deliveries.


Development of an MoU:

·       Elaborations and discussions jointly and separately with the six organizations on the content of a MoU for the partnership.

·       Development of a MoU and related supporting documents as agreed.


Milestone 3: Signed MoU for the partnership:

·       Please see above under point 3): Key milestones and expected deliveries.


Workshop on lessons learnt and recommendations for the way forward:

·       Organization and facilitation of a workshop on lessons learnt as well as recommendations for next steps with all six organizations present.


Milestone 4: Final report

·       Please see above under point 4): Key milestones and expected deliveries.




4.       Timing, logistics and facilities


The assignment is to be completed between 1 February and 31 March 2018. During this period, it is preferred that the consultant, particularly during milestones 2 and 3, works from Amman, Jordan. If required, one of the six organizations will provide the necessary office space and facilities.


All contractual issues are to be addressed to the organization appointed to hold the contract for the consultant. The contact with each organization will be through the Core Group members. The Core Group consists of one member from each of the six organizations with management responsibility on regional Middle East or Syria level.



5.       Reporting


All reports and documentation have to be provided in English. Instructions with regards to their content e.g. this Terms of Reference or minutes from meetings are to be annexed to the required reports as relevant.


The reports, as described under chapter 3, scope of services, shall be delivered in 7 hard copies and 7 soft copies on USB sticks. The latter shall also contain documents developed for the partnership e.g. the MoU format, minutes from meetings, and data files e.g. for mapping exercises.





It is expected that the consultant will be able to use his/her knowledge and previous experience from leading or participating in partnership/consortia formations. In order to move processes forward he/she should have strong communication, facilitation and negotiation skills. More specifically, he/she should have:


·       Higher relevant education preferably on Master level in subjects relevant to the humanitarian or development sector, and/or management of organizations.

·       Demonstrated experience from larger Non-Governmental Organizations. Candidates with work experience from NGO alliances and networks and/or organizations with complex layers of head, regional and country offices, have an advantage.

·       Previous background from leading roles in partnership and/or consortia formation and management.

·       Solid skills in facilitation of processes, workshops and meetings.

·       Solution oriented and able to move timely processes forward towards consensus and decision making.

·       Diplomatic skills with an ability both to listen and to identify and push for a common ground.

·       Knowledge about the Middle East and in particular Syria is an asset.

·       Proficiency in written and oral English.

·       Able and willing to stay for a longer period in Amman and to travel, if required, to neighboring countries.


7.       Selection Process


The consultant will be selected on the basis of an assessment of both the technical proposal and the financial offer. It should include as a minimum:


·       A proposal or cover letter responding to the points in this ToR.

·       A copy of Curriculum Vitae (CV) for the individual conducting the consultancy.

·       A time plan in accordance with the table in point 3 above. Candidates are welcome and even encouraged to propose a different process should other models be considered more effective or complete.

·       A reference list of previous similar assignments and employers including a short description of tasks completed as well as contact details.

·       If the consultant belongs to a registered company, a copy of the registration.

·       A financial offer with a detailed breakdown of costs, disclosing all relevant budget items for completing this assignment.


The proposal together with the requested documents above is to be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The e-mail and all documents are to be marked with “External consultant for a Syria Partnership”. For questions regarding this assignment, kindly contact FCA Regional Director Pauliina Parhiala on email: [email protected]

The deadline for submitting a proposal is: 11 January 2018.



[1] World Bank Group (2017); The Toll of War

[2] UN OCHA (30 August 2017); Summary of Humanitarian Response Plan: Monitoring Report: January-June 2017

[3] World Bank Group (2017); The Toll of War

[4] UN OCHA (30 August 2017); Summary of Humanitarian Response Plan: Monitoring Report: January-June 2017

منتهية الصلاحية


دليل مدني، شبكة المجتمع المدني، يوفر للمنظمات منصة لنشر الوظائف, وليس مسؤول عن عملية التوظيف. كل منظمة مسجلة على دليل مدني هي مسؤولة بشكل فردي عن منشوراتها وعن عملية التوظيف.

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
03 يناير, 2018
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
بحوث ودراسات
آخر مهلة للتقديم:
الخميس, 11 يناير 2018
نوع العقد:
مدة الوظيفة:
1 February to 31 March 2018
نطاق الراتب:
> 3000 (USD)
درجة التعليم:
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:
متطلبات الخبرة:
بين 5 سنوات و10 سنوات
اللغة العربية:
غير مطلوب
اللغة الانكليزية:
اللغة الفرنسية:
غير مطلوب