Consultancy Service For Training Workshops On Strategic Planning

Lebanon Reforestation Initiative

Terms of Reference

Consultancy Service for training workshops on Strategic Planning


Project Background Information

The Lebanon Reforestation Initiative is an ongoing, multi-year project funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the United States Forest Service (USFS), implementing a community-based reforestation program that has resulted so far in the planting of more than half- a-million native trees throughout Lebanon since 2011. The project promotes a community-led approach to reforestation, bringing together diverse committed municipalities, community stakeholders, Lebanese civil society organizations, and other actors such as the private sector, to restore and replant degraded community lands. With administrative offices in Beirut, LRI technical experts manage a multi-year work program of activities throughout Lebanon in collaboration with grassroots organizations and local communities.

Social Stability and Community Engagement

Recent economic, social and environmental developments have increased attention given to the role that good governance and sustainable engagement of local communities plays in achieving long-term development goals. Reforestation being a long-term process that requires continuous follow-up and good management, active community involvement and community ownership of this process becomes crucial for its success. LRI seeks to ensure a process of community involvement and local community-based governance that enables interested local citizens or stakeholders to meet on equal terms to facilitate a participatory decision making process. The goal is to provide local communities and their constituent stakeholders with ownership of the project to help promote success and longer-term sustainability.

Under the objective of supporting local communities to address environmental challenges more effectively and harmoniously, and improving local governance and social stability, LRI will support the creation of Corridor Planning Committees (CPC) for each Social and Environmental Corridor (SEC). These coalitions (2 for the first year of the project, one in the North SEC and one in Rashaya SEC) are composed of identified champions from each community on each of the two corridors.

LRI is committed to support each CPC to finalize a ten-years action plan, prioritize interventions to become more attractive to donors, and prepare a capacity building plan tailored to their needs to improve their stewardship over the action plan set and to ultimately achieve the vision of long-term sustainable reforestation.


LRI seeks a consultancy firm to design and deliver two training workshops (1 in the North SEC and 1 in Rashaya SEC) followed by coaching sessions (i.e. 2 in the North SEC and 2 in Rashaya SEC); The two-day training workshop on strategic planning should be completed by a first draft 10 years action plan that will be finalized during coaching sessions following the training workshop within a period of 3 weeks.

The Consultancy firm is expected to perform the following duties:

Assess the needs of the participants based on feedback provided by LRI team; Tailor the training content and methodology based on LRI requirements and community needs; Prepare pre and post tests in order to assess the knowledge acquired during the training workshops and include the analysis of the test to the training report; Provide field coaching sessions for each CPC to finalize the 10 years’ action plan; Develop a summary report at the end of the training, specifically to include major challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations;
Below a proposed training guideline to be detailed by the trainers:

Training workshop July 2016 1st Day Strategic Planning 2nd Day Setting the draft ten-years action plan

Interested consultancy firms are requested to send a detailed proposal including; objectives of the training, deliverables, methodology to be used, detailed agenda, resumes of the trainers, budget.


In close coordination with the LRI’s Senior Manager on Social Stability and Community Engagement, the consultants are expected to conduct and deliver the two training workshops during the month of July 2016 (Dates to be confirmed in coordination with the CPC members).


The Consultancy Firm for the design and facilitation of this assignment should possess the following competencies, and experience:

Previous experience in designing and implementing similar activities; Demonstrated experience in implementing community based initiatives; Demonstrated track record of success in delivering previous trainings on strategic planning;


For further information or to submit proposal, preferably by Tuesday 31 May 2016.

Please contact: Lebanon Reforestation Initiative [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 31. مايو 2016
نوع الدعوة
قطاع(ات) التدخل: