جمعية المبادرة والعطاء Mubadara w Ataa association - About

جمعية المبادرة والعطاء Mubadara w Ataa association
التبويبات الأساسية
1. دراسة اوضاع أبناء المنطقة الإجتماعية لسد حاجاتهم .
2. إنشاء مدرسة شبه مجانية ودار أيتام.
3. نشر الوعي الفكري والثقافي.
4. إقامة مستوصف يهتم بالعلاج الصحي وتأمين الدواء.
5. رعاية الايتام والمسنين وذوي الحاجات الخاصة .
6. إقامة دورات تدريبية وتثقيفية ومحاضرات في الجوانب التالية: الصحية, الإجتماعية, والثقافية.
Mubadara & Ataa asociation for charitywork- registration No 2310.A non-profit charitable organization, notaffiliated with any political party, started its work as a youth committee in 2008, andobtained the official license in 2015.
Our message
We seek to advance the local communityto achieve sustainable development and spread awareness and general culture.
We aim to develop the local community by providing social, educational andpsychological support through interdependence and social equality.
Our goals:
1. Surveying the conditions of local community to meet their needs.
2. Establishing almost free school and an orphanage.
3. Spreading the social and general awareness.
4. Establishing a medical center for medical treatments and medication cover.
5. Caring for the orphans, elderly and those with special needs.
6. Holding training and educational courses and lectures in the aspects of health, social and edification.