Sustainable Transportation and Mega Sporting Events in Arab Countries: the Case of Qatar | Ifi Policy Brief

Policy Brief | August 2014
Sustainable Transportation and Mega Sporting Events in Arab Countries: the Case of Qatar by Robert Wittkuhn and Danyel Reiche
​As a motive for hosting mega sporting events, Qatar is highlighting their catalyst effect for planned infrastructure developments. Qatar plans on building intra-city, inter-city and inter-state road and railway networks for the FIFA 2022 initially, and further national use. The planned transportation construction could potentially be sustainable, but the social and political buildup of Qatar hinders such a development; especially when considering Qatar’s fuel based energy mix that induces political debates and contradicts the concept of sustainability and clean energy.


Issam Fares Institute For Public Policy And International Affairs
تاريخ النشر: 
الجمعة, 1 آب 2014
نوع المورد: 
Studies and Reports
Environment & Ecology