2010 Municipal Elections in Lebanon - Electoral Systems Options

Municipal elections in Lebanon are scheduled for Spring/Summer 2010. The current electoral system used for electing members of municipal councils is known as the ‘bloc vote’ system, the same as is used for parliamentary elections in Lebanon; however, no municipal council seats are reserved for any different confessional groups. Political and public debate has now begun to focus on the possibility of introducing an alternative electoral system for municipal elections. This document has been prepared by IFES to provide background information on some of the available options for alternative electoral systems that could be used for electing municipal councils. The paper also provides an assessment on the impact the choice of electoral system has on the possibility of the introduction of standardized ballot papers. It is designed to contribute to the debate on electoral system and does not necessarily define IFES policy in relation to the 2010 municipal elections in Lebanon.

International Foundation for Electoral Systems
تاريخ النشر: 
الجمعة, 1 يناير 2010
نوع المورد: 
Reference Book