Dear Sir / Madam,

INJAZ Lebanon is requesting proposals for producing a documenting video for the Innovation Labs Networkproject

Quotations may be submitted on or before September 4th, 2017 no later than 4:00pm via e‐mail attention Ms. Nicole Kazan, Marketing and Communications Specialist ([email protected] ). Quotations that are received by INJAZ Lebanon after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.

I. Project Overview

The Innovation Labs Network project, supported by UNICEF Lebanon and funded by the Government of Netherlands, aims at empowering marginalized Lebanese and refugee youth in Lebanon, aged 14 to 24, in order to give them hope in a promising future and to encourage them to get positively involved in the society they live in by increasing their education and employability opportunities.
Trainings on social entrepreneurship and innovative thinking are being carried out by INJAZ Lebanon across several labs in the North and the Bekaa areas. Students learn the key elements and skills, like the innovation thinking, business planning, marketing, and communication skills that will allow them to enter the business world and start up their own projects.

At the end of the training phase, students will pitch their ideas and only selected projects will make it to the incubation phase where they will get seed funding and support to bring their projects to life. On the other hand, digital trainings are also carried out in parallel in the same areas by our partner DOT.

II. Video Objectives

- INJAZ Lebanon is participating in this project in collaboration with other partners, so the purpose of this video is to start by giving a quick overview of the overall project first and then to highlight INJAZ’ component.

- The video should clearly demonstrate the outcomes and effects of the entrepreneurship trainings and incubation support on the participating youths and how it impacted their life positively. We are looking forward to convey our message through real success stories that are told by selected youth with inspiring stories and projects that will touch the viewers.

III. Video Requirements

- Video must stay within the frames of the project and include scenes from the trainings and group work in the labs where it’s being delivered.

- Video should be in a story-telling style that touches the viewer.

- Video must follow the branding guidelines of the project that will be provided.

- Filming Locations:

We must film in the labs from both regions of the North and the Bekaa (at least 1 success story from each area). Filming some shots like the interviews in a studio can be a suggested option if needed.
- Filming Period: Filming will take place during the period of October-November 2017 and the final video should be delivered in December 2017.

- Duration: It will be mainly published online and on social media so the duration should be around 4 minutes as a maximum.

- Format: Video must be delivered in a high definition format and in smaller size format for online publishing.

IV. Contractor Requirements:

- The Video Producer will be expected to be in contact with INJAZ Lebanon’s staff through all phases of project execution, meeting as needed in person or by phone and email and providing written progress updates.

- The Video Producer will be expected to produce all elements of the video, which may include, but are not limited to scriptwriting, voice over, basic animation, and cinematography (includes camera operation, lighting, sound recording, graphic design, editing and music).

- The Video Producer might be requested to do at least 2 edits on the first submitted video.

- The Video Producer is responsible for location scouting and coordinating all aspects of field production, including hiring necessary crew.

- The Video Producer will utilize INJAZ Lebanon’s photo/video releases.

- The Video Producer will be required to secure needed equipment.

- All resources and footages will remain INJAZ Lebanon’s property.

V. Proposal Requirements:

Proposals must include:

- Introduction summarizing your company’s background, resources, and relevant experience.

(Links to examples of past projects, preferably of a similar size and scope can be added)

- Proposed budget for the project. The proposed budget should include a suggested work plan and a breakdown of fees for professional services (as listed in “IV. Video Requirements”, points 2 and 3), hours, transportation, staff, equipment rental, and administrative services, including taxes.

- Identify the company’s point of contact, including name, title, phone, and e-mail address

- Quotation should include the VAT registration number, payment terms, and validity.

- An authorized representative of the seller must sign, stamp and date the quotation, and other relative documents accompanying it.

P.S: A Story board and more details will only be requested after the proposal has been approved from both parties.

VI. Conditions

- Payment shall be made by cheque or wire transfer to the supplier after submission of an appropriate and acceptable original invoice to INJAZ Lebanon

- Quotations with missing information will be disqualified from participating in this tender.

- At any time during the validity of the quotation, no price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted by INJAZ Lebanon after it has received the quotation.

- If you were not contacted after 30 working days from closing date, then be notified that your quotation was not awarded.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.


Nicole Kazan

Marketing & Communications Specialist

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 04. سبتمبر 2017
نوع الدعوة
قطاع(ات) التدخل: