يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: 
توجيهات التقديم: 

Please send your complete application (cover letter, CV, expected salary), with CLEAR Reference “Protection Specialist”, by 15 September 2013 at the latest, to hwa.lebanon@gmail.com

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

Hilfswerk Austria International (HWA) is one of Austria's leading organizations for development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Within the scope of HWA we provide worldwide assistance to people in need.
We respect the culture, history, structures, traditions and customs of the communities and countries where we are active. We provide help for all people regardless of their heritage, gender or religion. The planning and realization of our projects always take place in conjunction with our local partners.
Female candidates and people with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
The Protection Specialist will work under the supervision of the Country Manager in Lebanon and has the overall responsibility for leading, coordinating and overseeing HWA’s protection activities in Beirut, Mount Lebanon and the Southern Governorates. The Protection Specialist will regularly meet with UNHCR during implementation to monitor jointly the protection component of the project. Responsibilities and duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:
1)      Representation

Represents HWA before relevant donors, relevant sector working groups (SGBV Task Force) and interagency planning workshops in Beirut and at field level
Is present as much as possible in the field SGBV Working Groups (Mount Lebanon, Sidon and Nabatieh)
Represents HWA in GBVIMS steering group

2)      Programming & Operations

 Maintain an overview of the principal protection problems across the country, the responses that are underway, and the gaps in assistance, in view of ensuring appropriate emergency responses
Work with the HWA Education Specialist to ensure violence prevention and response is adequately addressed across sectors and humanitarian interventions
Act as HWA focal point and leading staff for the GBVIMS at the national level; support and coach staff in regards with the GBVIMS
Oversee implementation of protection activities and ensure that objectives and results are timely and qualitatively met
Design and implement violence awareness programme, including the outreach activities together with the HWA Education Specialist
Work with partners and staff to implement mitigation measures to better protect women and children
Oversee administrative and financial matters related to protection activities
Develop work plans and monitoring tools as appropriate, and make monitoring visits to project sites as necessary
Develop and deliver GBV trainings to HWA and partner’s staff
Prepare proposals to secure follow on or expansion funding for the protection program as per identified needs
Coordinate with national, local and international actors and participate to working groups and other meetings as needed
Evaluate impact on beneficiaries and conflict-affected communities
Reports internally weekly and monthly achievements

3)      Organisation, administration and personnel management

Overall coordination of operational staff dedicated to GBV, with the field management staff
Suggests adjustments of the GBV dedicated teams according to evolving needs and programming
Ensures with fields managers and the Safety team that GBV activities are organised in a way that guarantees safety of beneficiary families, partners and HWA staff involved (i.e. confidentiality)

4)      Psychosocial

Adapt the IRC Child Protection psychosocial wellbeing baseline tool and conduct the baseline in new locations of intervention
Training and coaching of the HWA and partner’s staff according to Child Protection minimum standards
Adapt, develop and train staff on basic psychosocial activities for all children and psychosocial tailored activities targeted to children showing signs of psychosocial distress
Develop and implement an outreach strategy for Child Protection service delivery at the household level for psychosocial activities

5)      Any other duties as agreed with the Country Manager.
All responsibilities need to be executed in an unbiased and transparent manner. The position requires self-discipline to work independently.
The Protection Specialist will perform the services as a self-employed contractor and is therefore responsible for paying any taxes and national insurance contributions due.

Minimum of 3-5 years of proven experience in international SGBV protection, advocacy work and protection programs for refugees/IDPs
Experience working in start-up of program and remote management is an asset
GBV IMS experience is an asset
Proven experience in training, including development of materials
Significant knowledge of International Human Rights Law, with stress on Refugee Law and the rights of women and girls
Proven communication, interpersonal, representation, negotiation, promotion and diplomacy skills
Experience developing and leading trainings and capacity building courses
Experience in dealing with a local NGO partner in project implementation
Excellent skills in Word, Excel and Outlook are essential
Experience working in insecure contexts
Able to work long hours and independently
Good organizer, pro-active and dynamic with the right portion of common sense
Resident of Lebanon or permission to work in Lebanon

منتهية الصلاحية


دليل مدني، شبكة المجتمع المدني، يوفر للمنظمات منصة لنشر الوظائف, وليس مسؤول عن عملية التوظيف. كل منظمة مسجلة على دليل مدني هي مسؤولة بشكل فردي عن منشوراتها وعن عملية التوظيف.

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
25 مايو, 2014
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
آخر مهلة للتقديم:
الأحد, 15 سبتمبر 2013
نوع العقد:
دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة:
3 month probation followed by 1 year contract pending donor approval
نطاق الراتب:
درجة التعليم:
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:
University degree relevant to human rights: preferably in law, social work, social sciences or humanitarian aid (preferably at Master’s level)
متطلبات الخبرة:
اللغة العربية:
اللغة الانكليزية:
اللغة الفرنسية: