Graduation Ceremony Of “Activating Communities Through Technology” Project
Under the auspices of the Canadian Ambassador to Lebanon HE. Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Digital Opportunity Trust Lebanon (DOT), in partnership with “Intel” corporation, the “NGO’s Platform of Saida” and the “Development for People and Nature Association” have organized a joint graduation ceremony for the 70 community participants (NGO staff) of Saida area on March 27, 2013.
The community participants benefited in 2 cycles from a two months’ training program on Computer Technology, Livelihood skills and Business skills. This program aimed to provide an opportunity to develop their business, technology and entrepreneurial skills as well as their self-esteem.
The ACT project highlighted opportunities for sustainable social development by developing the technical and managerial capacities of the NGO employees through the use of ICT as a means to an end. ACT project has worked with NGO staff on two axes, collaboration, capacity building and advocacy/Communication project planning and implementation.
This activity is part of the project "Activating Communities through Technology " provided by the Lebanese Non-Governmental Organization Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) and supported by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. It focused on the ReachUp! and Intel Easy Steps Training programs.
The Graduation ceremony took place at the Municipality of Saida on March 27, 2013 in the presence of the Canadian Ambassador to Lebanon HE. Mrs. Hilary Childs-Adams, Saida Head of Municipality M. Mohammad Seoudi, the local partners and stakeholders at 11:00 A.M.