Concern Worldwide - Calls

Concern Worldwide

سنة التأسيس: 
Halba to kobayat side road Opposite Abdel Karim Rifai Petrol Station
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني عالمية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
إعادة تأهيل
خدمات الإغاثة
المأوى والمواد غير الغذائية
نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي



Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organisation with its Head Office in Dublin, Ireland, and is dedicated to working with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. Concern works in partnership with some of the world’s most vulnerable communities to tackle poverty and suffering. Concern is working in 26 countries most of which are in Africa.  In 2012, Concern Worldwide’s total income was €147.3 million of which €41.8 was donated by the general public.

الأربعاء, 27 يونيو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental international humanitarian organisation, and was founded in 1968. Concern Worldwide currently operates in a number of countries across the globe, with its Head Office in Dublin. We work with the poor and vulnerable in the world’s poorest countries to help them bring about long-lasting change in their lives and realise their fundamental human rights; to food, to health, to education, and ultimately to a life of dignity

الجمعة, 18 مايو 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Responding to the needs of the area and with the funding of our donors (Dutch government funded addressing root cause fund (ARC), support of Welthungerhilfe (WHH) and Tent Foundation), Concern is implementing a project to strengthen the dairy value chain. Under the project home based dairy Food processing trainings shall cover various topics as mentioned in the learning areas of Hygiene, processing techniques, Starter Cultures, Recipes (Dairy Food Basket), feeding practices and Disease management. At the end of the training, all women must have the knowledge of dairy food processing.


الاثنين, 23 أبريل 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

In order to improve the Capacity of individuals, NGOs and companies about Business development , Concern Worldwide is doing a business development TOT in Halba and we will offer 10 seats for free for interested people. Interested people, who have the commitment to complete all days of training, have to send their CVs to one of these email addresses:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

We will pick the 1st 10 participants who will contact us. Training dates: 3,4,5,6,7 of April 2018 from 8:30 am to 16:30 PM. Location will be shared with selected participants.

It is a great chance to build your capacity in leading businesses and business trainings.


الاثنين, 2 أبريل 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization with its Head Quarter in Dublin, Ireland, and is dedicated to working with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. Concern works in partnership with some of the world’s most vulnerable communities to tackle poverty and suffering. The Lebanon Branch of Concern Worldwide is based in Akkar and its major operations are in Akkar + T5.

Concern is currently looking for local partnerships to increase the impact of the Livelihoods program in which we work with the poor and vulnerable, host and refugee communities by providing small grants and capacity building trainings to increase their socio economic resilience and their income generation.

الأحد, 15 أبريل 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Based in rural North Akkar, Concern livelihoods program is focused on promoting socio-economic integration of refugee in to host communities by promoting social integration and employment to which existing social hostility remains a biggest barrier. Based on experience and socio-demographic facts reported by various UN agencies and discussed here too, the project at hand proposes to employ Syrian refugee women in dairy cooperatives by introducing skill trainings for women, improving employment capacity of Lebanese dairy cooperatives and creating employment for skilled women in targeted dairy cooperative after paid apprenticeship. Project focuses on women employment since one refugee in every 5 is a woman and as of UNHCR report published at the end of 2016, which states that 71% households of 251,299 Syrian refugees living in Akkar and Northern Governorates, are living below the poverty line. Proposed project intends to support dairy products value chain in Akkar because the dairy sector in Akkar provide 60% of the area economy income and 2000 families in Akkar benefit from the dairy sector as their principal and only income. The number of dairy cattle as of the data obtained from Ministry of Agriculture office in Akkar is 15000, which is 30% of total national dairy farmers. Besides cows, 10% of the national breeders of sheep and goats are spread in Akkar. About 70% of small-scale farmers in this area are poor and very poor according to studies prepared by experts in the FARES Foundation. In 2015, according to the Lebanese official statistics the rate of the export of dairy products was 11.5% of the total exported food products, which equals to 63 million dollar. Conventionally, local dairy cooperatives operate as a link between dairy farmers and big dairy companies like CANDIA, TAENAYEL operating in the region.

Despite tremendous income opportunities presented by high national demand of milk and dairy products, income from dairy fails to meet basic needs of people. Key reasons behind limited economic benefits despite present market needs are: an overall lack of diversification of dairy products being produced by cooperatives, poor quality control (e.g, lack of awareness on shelf-life leading to spoilt produce), poor hygiene practices, lack of awareness on minimum quality standards among producer and consumer (e.g. limited knowledge of milk grading system), and dairy cooperatives lacking assets as basic as chillers and refrigerated trucks.

الأربعاء, 28 مارس 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Concern is seeking a Dairy Product Value Chain Specialist to write a comprehensive training manual aimed at the skill training of refugee women and capacity building training of Lebanese Cooperatives. Under the project 150 women and 3 dairy Cooperatives will receive the trainings as per outline attached at the end of this work scope.

الاثنين, 19 مارس 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Tender ref.:  FEB / 18 / 003



Dear Sir/Madam,


SUBJECT: Invitation to Tender for Visibility, Communications & Advertising Services for 2018


Further to your enquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned Invitation to Tender, please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier.


1.                   Letter of invitation to tender

2.                   Instructions to Tenderers and BOQ

3.                   Tenderer’s Declaration

4.                   Concern’s Terms and Conditions

5.                   Programme Participant Protection Policy and  Concern Anti-Fraud Policy


We look forward to receiving your tender on or before 22/02/2018 at 1200 Hrs for receipt of tenders at the address specified in the tender dossier. 


Your tender bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your tender to Concern


Note: Any tender bid does not include all the documentation below will be rejected immediately.

الخميس, 22 فبراير 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

Concern Worldwide, intends to award a fixed term Work Contract for the Rehabilitation of 5 Social Development Centres with financial assistance from ARC


الجمعة, 16 فبراير 2018
منتهية الصلاحية

تعد محافظة عكار واحدة من أقل المحافظات نموا قبل الأزمة وتلقت أعدادا كبيرة من اللاجئين. تقوم "كونسرن وورلد وايد" بمجموعة من أنشطة سبل كسب العيش في عكار لتوفير فرص شاملة للدخل. ويعرض هذا البرنامج مجموعة من التدريب المهني للأفراد اللواتي يردن اكتساب المهارة
وفي إطار تمويل مؤسسة القلب الكبير، تسعى "كونسرن" إلى الحصول على خدمات من خياط متخصص لتدريب الفصول الدراسية لمجموعة من 25 امرأة في ببنين. المدرب هو المسؤول عن إجراء دورات تدريبية نظرية وعملية على مدى فترة شهرين ونصف والمتوقع من المتدرب توفير 3 متابعات خلال شهرين من التدريب بناء على طلب من النساء لتحسين أي مهارة معينة.

الأربعاء, 7 فبراير 2018
منتهية الصلاحية