التبويبات الأساسية
Bureau Technique Des Villes Libanaises | المكتب التقني للبلديات اللبنانية
“Cités Unies Liban/BTVL” leads the network of Lebanese Local Authorities members of UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) contributing thus to the rapprochement between Lebanese cities, the decentralization process in Lebanon, the empowerment of the Municipal institution, as well as the decentralized cooperation and the presence of Lebanese cities on the international stage.Moreover, “Cités Unies Liban/BTVL” is the secretariat of the Lebanese Mayors Committee that brings together14 of the major Lebanese cities/ unions of Municipalities under the chairmanship of Beirut Municipality in order to discuss the municipal situation and to establish a dialogue with relevant governmental and international institutions.“Cités Unies Liban/BTVL” cooperates with numerous local, national and international partners including: the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the OMSAR…, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the French Ministry of Decentralization and Civil Service; the French National Center for the Territorial Civil Service (CNFPT), the French Institute in Lebanon,… and many other institutions, donors and European local authorities and networks.
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