Ras Beirut Isf ‘Closer To You’ Neighbourhood Policing Scheme Funding



The provision of funding for grassroots community organizations, NGOs or individuals is aimed at helping and encouraging groups to work directly with the police, building relationships and confidence in policing, whilst targeting community safety issues.

Small community groups have a significant role to play in increasing public safety and improving quality of life when developing Neighbourhood Policing. This Community Safety Funding Scheme would recognize this fact and provide financial support to groups who would like to work towards reducing crime or would like to engage more with the ISF.

NGOs and community organisations are invited to apply for individual grants (up to 5000USD for projects which progress work on the Ras Beirut ISF key priorities as outlined in their ‘Closer to You’ policing plan:

- Increase trust and confidence in the Police and adopt, with your active support, a zero tolerance approach to corruption and bribery;

- Reduce the number of crimes: thefts, pickpocket, drugs, assaults and kidnapping;

- Deal with anti-social behavior (ASB) such as begging, late night disturbances, child labor, and street vendors;

- Address violations of law: reduce traffic problems through regular law enforcement and by eliminating obstructions on the roads and footways, and prevent illegal constructions.


Overview of Policing Committee Funding

In order to obtain the cooperation of the public with the policein preventing crime, enhancing community safety and building trust in the ISF, this scheme has been developed to support projects and initiatives with these objectives. Funding is therefore being made available to community groups, NGOs or individuals for work that obtains the cooperation of the public, in conjunction with the police, in preventing crime, enhancing community safety or building trust between communities within Ras Beirut and the ISF.

Evaluations must be submitted within 4 weeks of the end date of the project.

Aim of funding

This funding specifically aims to obtain the cooperation of the public to work with the ISF to prevent crime, enhance community safety or build trust between communities within Ras Beirut and the ISF. We recognise that communities will have different levels of relationship with the police. Thereforethis funding may be used to either improve an existing, or start/develop a new, relationship with the police.

Amount of Funding Available

The maximum amount available for each application is5000 USD and this must be for revenue costs only. Successful applications will be assessed on a first come, first served basis.

The availability of funding will be continually reviewed.


Applications can be made by:

Community groups, NGOs or individuals - the project must proactively involve the Ras Beirut ISF in its delivery.

All applications over £1000 groups must provide a list of their current management committee or board of directors. Bank details must also be provided in the same name as the project promoter as well as the address of the bank branch, its sort code and your account number.

Governance Structure

Applicant organisation’s committee, board or appropriate signatory in case of an individual application – these parties are responsible for delivery against the stated aims of the application and will be expected to provide required performance information.

Guidance on the Application, Assessment and Monitoring

Applying for funding

Organisations or individuals that would like to seek funding for a project or initiative should contact [email protected] and seek assistance in the development of the project.

Complete your application form (Appendix A).

Send or deliver your form along with associated papers to [email protected] (see contact details on form). We accept applications either by email or written and posted to ‘Closer to You funding Scheme’, 1146, Bazerkane Street, Beirut Central District, Lebanon, +961(0)1 974414/7.

Please note that due to administrative timescales for approval,we would recommend that applications are received at least 3 weeks prior to the starting date for delivery of the project.

Assessment of applications

All applications will be scored against agreed Policing Committee Criteria as set out within the application.

Applications will not be considered if they fail to meet any part of the criteria outlined

Applicants will be advised of the Policing Committee decision within 10 working days. If unsuccessful reasons will be provided. Please note there is no appeals process for this funding.

Acceptance of funding

You will receive two copies of the Letter of Offer,you must sign and return one copy to [email protected] and retain the remaining copy for your records. The Letter of offer will include your project milestone.

The signature must belong to the most senior personin your organisation such as Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, or Director. This signature on the letter of offer confirms that your organisation accepts the grant and its conditions. You must accept the grant offer in this way before any grant can be released,and within two weeks of the date of our Letter of Offer.

If our grant offer does not correspond to the amount you requested, you will be required to discuss this with us and submit a revised budget indicating what our grant will be used to fund. If you receive a grant offer, but no longer want to accept it, please let us know in writing as soon as possible.

Monitoring & Evaluation

You must submit your evaluation form (Appendix B) to the Policing Committee along with original receipts within 4 weeks of project completion.

Failure to submit an end of project evaluation may render that organisation/group ineligible for future funding.

Terms and Conditions

The project must proactively involve the Ras Beirut ISF in its delivery (as demonstrated on the application form), ISF endorsement will be sought at the selection stage.

You must acknowledge ISF funding in all information, press releases, interviews and articles about the project; and on any leaflets, promotional materials, DVDs and other things produced by the project. Funding may be re-claimed if this is not strictly adhered to.

All publicity material in relation to the project must be approved by the allocated Project Officer in advance of publication. All publications should be received at least ten days in advance of any planned publication.

You must extend an invitation to the ISF to attend any public or significant events during the life of the project.

You must inform the ISF and allocated project officer of any incidents or issues that occur that may bring the reputation of the ISF into disrepute.

You must inform the ISF of any incidents or issues that occur which could be viewed as criminal in nature.

You must submit an end of project evaluation along with original receipts.

You must not vary or alter the project or spend without prior consultation and agreement

For further information ABOUT any aspect of this funding, you should contact [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 22. يناير 2016
نوع الدعوة
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