Association "lebanese For Rural Development" - About

Association "lebanese For Rural Development"
التبويبات الأساسية
Believing that the real change has to come in an ascendant way, LRD bases its work on the concepts of environmental and human sustainable development through the mobilization and participation of the local communities in every step of our way. Considering youth as the key change agents, LRD focuses on empowering youth and women by providing them with more awareness, knowledge and know-how to better reach and implement the desired change. LRD provides now a wild range of services and programs covering different intervention fields, reaching all age categories and diverse society sectors. • Socially: the Association aims at empowering women in order to obtain her rights and to activate her role in the community. It also aims at fighting poverty and deprivation through education. • Economically: Motivating the private sector for backing the economic advancement in order to find appropriate job vacancies. • Agriculturally: Assisting agriculturists in finding the best productive cultivations and their generalization. • Technologically: Introducing the latest technologies such as an employment system for youth through which they can make up for the fairness of the town from the city, they can reach all information and communicate with the international employment market. • Environmentally: Protect the environment and maintain the ecologic system and diversity of the nature in addition to backing the environmental tourism to attract visitors to Akkar.