التبويبات الأساسية
All-One Foundation
All-One Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian initiative. We promote civic responsibility and community service, through programs that enhance educational opportunities, professional qualifications and social integration. All-One started operating in 2016, with an emphasis on active participation of youth in community development. We offer educational, cultural and social services on a non-profit basis, running certain programs on our own and certain others jointly with partner organizations. All-One encourages open social and cultural exchanges based on respect of the other, without distinction of status, gender, religious beliefs and ethnicity. We provide services of common benefit, regardless of the beneficiaries’ backgrounds. Our main spheres of action revolve around the following: EDUCATIONAL: Providing quality, affordable educational services and resources. Providing services that enhance educational and recreational opportunities for children. Helping bridge the gaps in levels of education for children and for adults, through targeted programs and activities, remedial courses, capacity building and specialized training. FORMATIVE / VOCATIONAL: Providing courses and training leading to self-reliance and full autonomy. CULTURAL: Promoting cultural exchange and awareness. Promoting respect of others, from the individual to larger groups and entities. SOCIAL: Advancing community development, through services to the needy and through targeted, sustainable income-generating projects. Coordinating and advancing volunteer initiatives, developing a spirit of responsibility towards society. Spheres of activity expand to other fields where achievable and effective, with the same overall objective of benefiting the community at large, the needy in particular.
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