Torture Prevention And Monitoring In Lebanon:

ALEF is implementing the

الأهداف العامة: 
- Mobilizing of the local community towards detecting, addressing and reporting torture cases as well as promoting torture prevention among the general population; - Advocating with the national and international community for the implementation of international norms and procedures related to the prevention of torture and decreasing impunity.
The project consists of three complementary actions, as follows: - A community-mobilization component that encourages the involvement and commitment to active citizenship in Lebanon through holding trainings, on the one hand in detecting, addressing and reporting torture cases, and on the other hand, in promoting the prevention from torture among the population. - A monitoring & reporting component that consists of a centralization system to process and analyse the compiled information on reported cases of torture and produce a report on torture in Lebanon. - An advocacy component at the national and international level. It includes at the international level, a visit to Europe to present the report on torture and a lobbying plan of action to urge the Government to act on the basis of issues of concern and findings the torture report. At the national level, the project aims to engage in a constructive dialogue with local authorities, policy-makers, government officials and the national network on torture prevention to push for the implementation of legal reforms and monitoring of practices. Outcomes: - A report on torture, titled
تاريخ البداية
اثنين, 02/04/2007 - 3:00am
حالة المشروع
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مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى