Edit Job Consultancy to document and publish partnering guidelines for the World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response.

Consultancy to document and publish partnering guidelines for the World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response.
World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response is looking for a consultant from within or outside of Ukraine who can support the World Vision partnership team to develop a comprehensive partnership guideline. World Vision is committed to supporting the localization agenda as described in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee1 and in the Grand Bargain2 commitments. This study will contribute to how World Vision International responds to the call to localize humanitarian response, particularly in Ukraine. World Vision’s response in Ukraine started in March 2022 and has a strong focus on working with partners. World Vision currently partners with 15 national NGO partners including some faith-based organizations.
The purpose of this consultancy is to compile a comprehensive partnership guidelines for World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response which can be used within the Ukraine Crisis Response, and other rapid onset disasters within the World Vision global partnership. The partnership guidelines will be based on the specific experiences and lessons learnt in Ukraine and guided by the WVI global policy and guidelines on partnering. The guideline will describe all approaches and tools used in WV UCR and will reflect on their efficiency and effectiveness.
Scope and Deliverable of work
The overal objective is to:

Publishing the partnership guideline for World Vision UCR reflecting WV UCR’s approach on localization of the humanitarian response though national and/ or local partners in Ukraine.

Reflect and collect lessons learnt on partnering across World Vision departments, specifically in the Ukraine office

Map all relevant tools and documentation related to local partner identification, selection, vetting, proposal development, grant implementation, and capacity building.
The list of documents that should be developed:
1 - Partnership guideline
2 - Lessons learnt on partnering in Ukraine
3 - All partnership tools used in UCR annexed


Consultant with proven experience designing reflection processes

Consultant with proven experience in developing organisational guidelines.

Consultant with previous experience working with national and/or local organization

Consultant with proven experience in analyzing dynamics around partnering with national and local organizations, and the localization agenda as described by the IASC.

Consultant is familiar with the localization agenda and most recent position papers on this topic.
The consultant can work on deliverables from within Ukraine or from outside of Ukraine.

Project Duration - Expected Deliverables - Date - Days required

Review and analysis of existing tools and approaches: August 15 – 31, 2023 - 5 days

Submit inception report with well-articulated approach, interview schedules timeframe and detailed deliverables: August 31, 2023 - 3 days

Interviews with WV staff and partners: September 1 –30, 2023 - 14 days

Analysis of interviews and reflection: September 20 – 30, 2023 - 6 days

Draft document preparation: October 1 - 15 2023 - 10 days

Submission semi-final draft for review by WV UCR - October 15, 2023

Incorporate comments from the WV UCR team (1st revision): October 17-21, 2023 - 3 days

Submission of final draft for review by WV UCR: October 21, 2023

Incorporate comments form the WV UCR team (2nd revision): October 24-28 - 3 days

Final document completed by consultant: October 29, 2023

Total Days: 44 days

Line of Communication and Reporting
The consultant will communicate and report to The WV UCR Partner Capacity Building Specialist for Ukraine.
The WV UCR Partner Capacity Building Specialist will be responsible for keeping the additional WV stakeholders informed. The other WV stakeholders who will stay informed on the developments in this consultancy are the WV UCR MEAL manager, the Risk and Compliance Director, the Ukraine Response Director and PDQ Director, the WV Global Specialist on Partnering, the WV Global Disaster Management team, and the partner focal point in WV MEERO regional office, to name a few.
Financial Proposal and Terms of Payment
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal should include Write Up fees and other related cost breakdowns. Payment for this service will be in line with the WV UCR procurement procedures – including last payment of services will be made upon confirmation of the technical quality of the final product.

Annex 1: Background on the ADH funded Core Humanitarian Standards Learning Project
Annex 2: Background on WV UCR response in Ukraine: latest Situational Report: Fact Sheet_April 2023.pdf (wvrelief.net)
Annex 3: 18 Months Response Plan World Vision Ucraine Crisis Response
Annex 1:
In 2022 World Vision Germany has recently been awarded a grant by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH). The purpose of the grant is to support the implementation of World Vision’s Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) improvement plan in the Ukraine Response and Sudan.
World Vision undertook an external independent verification of all its major global humanitarian responses, World Vision International Initial Audit Summary Report. The auditors assessed policies, governance, processes and field practice against the Standard. As a result, World Vision developed a plan to improve performance in five key areas.

The Ukraine and Sudan responses provide key opportunities for testing planned improvements in two very diverse response contexts as well as codifying these improvements for the benefit of other World Vision’s global response. By testing in these two diverse contexts, resources and approaches will be better designed and more applicable across a broader set of responses. They will more aptly be based on ground-level learning from communities and WV and partner staff. Developing frameworks, trainings, and learnings (in both the Ukraine and Sudan crises) in the themes mentioned will strengthen programme implementation in other ongoing and future responses.
Programme Overview
Five specific outcomes were developed for the ADH-funded programme. To improve systems and practice in these areas, this project will develop, and pilot tools, resources, and approaches across two specific responses (Ukraine and Sudan) with the intention that tools and approaches will be replicable across existing CAT III and future responses.
• Organizational learning;
• Environmental stewardship;
• Inclusion and data protection; and
• Localization & exit strategy
• Programme capability to integrate the other four elements in tools, approaches and response strategy
Outcome 1: Improved accountability to affected people through the application of a new learning, monitoring and evaluation framework integrated into World Vision’s Disaster Management Standards.
Outcome 2: Crisis affected areas are environmental safeguarded during responses through integration of Environmental Stewardship Framework by WV and local partners.
Outcome 3: People affected by crisis are better assisted through improved digitalization processes, including protection and inclusion systems.
Outcome 4: Localization efforts are standardized, supporting quality, compliance and exit strategy approaches along the Ukraine Crisis and are applicable to localization uptake in future crisis. The urgent requirement to have robust, yet flexible localization processes established was highlighted from the onset of the Ukraine crises. Implicit in these processes, partnering with local organizations was the ability to strengthen the capacity of local organizations through the program cycle. Often local actors had immeasurable value-add yet struggle or are unfamiliar with central concepts or processes in principled humanitarianism. Documentation, minimum requirements, and training toolboxes have been either newly developed or existing standards need adaptation, and quite nearly all resources need translation. Efforts will be taken in Ukraine and Sudan to collaboratively dialogue with local partners while strengthening their capacities and knowledge of humanitarian standards. Aligning with the CHS feedback, World Vision will focus on project exit strategies.

Outcome 5: Increased capacity of World Vision's humanitarian programming to design and manage programs with an emphasis on organizational learning; environmental stewardship; inclusion and data protection; localization & exit strategy.
Program Approach
The grant will use a three-pronged approach to implement its key activities. We will start with a research aspect for each outcome to assess needs and gaps that will then inform the development of the relevant tools and frameworks under each thematic area of the programme. Project staff, in coordination and collaboration with the two field offices (WV Sudan and Ukraine Crisis response) and other project stakeholders (Regional Offices, Global Centre technical teams, etc) will test these tools and frameworks in specific contexts through a series of trainings and workshops. Tools, frameworks and capability will then be refined before being used in other responses globally.

How to apply

Закупівля - Консультації з документування та публікації керівних принципів партнерства для програми World Vision Україна Ukraine Crisis Response. Створення документу. Consultancy to document and publish partnering guidelines for the World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response. Creation of the documentation. - R-UA-2023-08-16-1000016-k - Zakupki.prom.ua

Deadline of submission is 31 August 2023 @5:00 PM

Thursday, 31. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth