Call for Applications for Film Students to Participate in a Media for Social Change Workshop and Create Their Own Gender-Sensitive Films

Brief Background

Current political, economic, and health crises have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning Lebanese and non-Lebanese residents are facing the most difficult period they have seen since the end of the Lebanese Civil War (1990). Social isolation, drug abuse, suicide, and limited access to basic needs, educational and social services like healthcare and protection are common now, especially for vulnerable and marginalized groups such as youth, refugee women and children, migrant domestic workers, the LGBTQI+ community, people with disabilities, and the elderly. Interpersonal relationships, both familial and social, are also deteriorating due to increases in domestic violence, cyber-violence, and SGBV. There is, therefore, a need to intervene to reduce sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), improve access to quality SGBV prevention and response services shall through working in partnership with existing national and governmental frameworks to ensure the sustainability of the national system for SGBV prevention and response.

The media plays an important role in shaping social norms and narratives and raising awareness and attention to SGVB issues. In Lebanon media can play a significant role in amplifying alternative narratives through TV productions and short films that can also lead to change in attitudes and perceptions on SGBV and masculinities and contribute to an enabling environment where these issues are discussed openly.


Project Description 

Search for Common Ground (Search) and ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality (ABAAD) are jointly implementing the Toward a Gender-Equitable Society project. The project aims at breaking gender stereotypes and helping reduce SGBV, including intimate partner violence and child marriage. To do so the project seeks to: 1) improve access to and delivery of quality SGBV prevention and response services through ABAAD’s Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) programme, Mid-Way Houses (MWH) and the Mobile Unit Interventions, and 2) shift the cultural and social norms related to SGBV and traditional gender norms through the media.


About ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality

ABAAD is a non-profit, non-politically affiliated, non-religious civil association that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region. ABAAD seeks to promote women's equality and participation through policy development, legal reform, and gender mainstreaming, engaging men, eliminating discrimination, and advancing and empowering women to participate effectively and fully in their communities. ABAAD also seeks to support and collaborate with civil society organizations that are involved in gender equality programs and advocacy campaigns.


About Search for Common Ground Lebanon

Search is a non-governmental organization working to transform the way the world deals with conflict. We have acquired over 35 years of experience in peacebuilding and are based in over 30 countries around the world. Search first worked in Lebanon in 1996, addressing multiple issues arising within Lebanon's diverse society. In each project we seek to engage all stakeholders to work together to address shared challenges and develop joint solutions.


How to Apply

Call for Participation

Search and ABAAD are inviting film students to take advantage of the opportunity and submit an  application that will be pre-qualified in the first  round of the project. Those who will be selected in the pre-qualification phase will then  be invited for interviews to understand more specifically their interest in the project and their experiences. The submission requirement for the pre-qualification round is a completed Online Application Form.     


Selection Criteria

  1. Candidate should demonstrate that their values and missions align with the project goal (commitment to human rights including social justice, non-discrimination and gender diversity, equity and equality); 
  2. Candidate should be able to demonstrate that they  will place high value on the inclusion of film students from a full spectrum of diversities (physical abilities, sexual orientation and gender identities, ethnicities, class, race, religion etc.);
  3. Have focus on the following Key Areas of Interest: human rights, inclusion, diversity, social justice, gender equality, women’s protection and empowerment, conflict transformation, etc.;
  4. Be a film student or graduate;
  5. Be living in Lebanon;
  6. Be between the ages of 21 and 25 years; and
  7. Have a bachelors' degree (or attending) in any topic related to audio visual

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. To participate in a training on gender and sexual and gender-based violence;
  2. To participate in five-day Media for Social Change Workshop, 8 hours per day, followed by coaching sessions;
  3. To participate in coordination and follow-up meetings with the project team and the coach;
  4. To participate in any other learning and development opportunity offered by the project; and
  5. To create a 20 minute gender-sensitive film.

How to apply

Application Procedure, Deadline and Schedule


Applicants are requested to send their CVs to the below link:

Also fill the Online Application Form by a maximum of October 13, 2021:


**CVs received without the online filled application will not be taken into consideration

N.B: Kindly refresh the page once you open the above link. In case an error box appears after having refreshed, just discard and wait for another 15 seconds before filling in your information. Also make sure to wait for 10 seconds for the information to be stored after you finally submit the forms.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and priority will be given to those who meet the criteria and apply earlier.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and within two weeks of the submission of their application.

Friday, 15. Oct 2021
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Conflict Resolution