Consultant for outlining a concept for Cash for Work activities in Lebanon

Assignment is open to individual consultants with sound experience in development of concept notes and NGO-proposals for humanitarian projects with a focus on cash-distribution through Cash-for-Work.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organisations in Germany. It is politically independent and non-denominational. Welthungerhilfe is fighting hunger around the world and is focusing its work around the Sustainable Development Goal 2: “Zero Hunger by 2030”.

Welthungerhilfe is interested to assist vulnerable population in Lebanon (Lebanese, refugees) by enrolling them in Cash for Work activities. Potential donors are not secured, yet. Welthungerhilfe is looking for a consultant who designs a general concept and CfW strategy for Lebanon for Welthungerhilfe.

Questions to be addressed:

  • Which local NGOs could be engaged as partners?
  • What kind of activities could be done as Cash for Work Programs?
  • How could the cash-flow from WHH to the final beneficiaries be organized?
  • Selection of beneficiaries
  • Geographic areas (based on vulnerability statistical data)
  • Identification of CfW sites
    • General suggestions for assets to be rehabilitated or constructed
    • Suggestion of services/works that could be suitable for CfW
    • Involvement of women: Welthungerhilfe places high emphasis on the involvement of women in CfW
  • Modalities for organizing CfW:
    • Through local implementing partners
    • Through private companies
  • Considerations of donors
    • WHH will provide checklists of relevant donor organizations, considering questions around gender, do-no-harm, inclusion


  • Short report about work done
  • Timesheet
  • Invoice
  • Filled concept paper template (template will be provided by WHH). The final concept paper should have a volume of ca. 20 pages.
  • Filled checklists (Cash transfer checklist, gender & inclusion checklist)

Working modality (suggestions):

  • Desk assessment, study of key documents
  • Work-shop/collective brainstorming with key persons from WHH 
  • Outreach to key informants, potential partners, stakeholders, donors and collecting information



The reporting language and concept papers/reports will be in English


The service is required in August, 2021.


The works can be done online as well as by conducting meetings in person.

The debriefing can be conducted online.


WHH will make sure that their key-personnel are available for meetings with the consultant. WHH focal points in Beirut/Tripoli will be the main focal points for the process. WHH will manage the contract and will provide funding directly to the consultant(s) in accordance with the terms specified in the contract. The consultant should make the necessary arrangements and coordinate with WHH staff before fieldwork to ensure no issues arise during field data collection. Relevant contacts will be shared with the consultant.


Interested bidders are asked to submit their daily rates - figures mentioned above are indicative but not binding


The contract will be signed with WHH's Country Office in Turkey



The remuneration depends on the offer, experience, and our budget. WHH has internal fees-policies. Generally WHH expects the service to be done in 10-20 days.

Payment in 2 tranches: 20% upon signature of contract, 80% after delivery

How to apply

This assignment is open to individual consultants with sound experience in development of concept notes and proposals for humanitarian projects with a focus on cash-distribution. Please submit a narrative proposal outlining concept (experience, Concept Paper development, time-plan, communication modalities), and a financial proposal (quotation) indicating daily rates and total fee including VAT, along with a CV that indicates the experience and qualifications. Only individual persons can apply, companies are not eligible.

Applicants have to provide:

A technical and financial offer

The technical part of the offer should include reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR. It should also include a brief description of the overall design and methodology of the concept paper development, brief description of the tools to be used, and a workplan/adaptations to the workplan at hand (maximum 2 pages). Methodology presented will be part of the selection criteria.

The financial part includes a proposed budget for the concept development. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs. Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by providing the bidder(s) tax number).

CV with references.

The bidders should submit a detailed technical and financial proposal in English with the subject ("Concept for Cash for Work activities in Lebanon") to the following email addresses:

[email protected] by no later than 02.08.2021

Questions can be directed to: lennart.lehmann(at)

Interviews will be conducted only with short-listed bidders.

Monday, 02. Aug 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
tbd - 10-20 days