Leadership Development-Dialogue and Facilitation



Component title

Leadership for development

Area of implementation 

Lebanon (Beirut, Bekaa, Tripoli)

Short description of the Component

In addition to the scholarships SPARK provides a leadership for development programme to its students. The programme is a   comprehensive, multi-stage training to empower students to become motivated  civic leaders, with the ability to engage productively in the rebuilding of their societies and to provide

leadership within and outside of their own communities


Target: 300 Students

Duration: 6 moths (April to September 2019)


SPARK is responding to the higher education crisis for Syrian refugees and vulnerable youth residing in the region. SPARK established its presence in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) in 2014. In KR-I, SPARK develops the capacity of local higher education institutions, improves Syrian refugees’ access to higher education amid the Syrian refugee crisis, with the aim of enabling them to engage in Syria’s post-conflict reconstruction in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq/KRG.


Since 2015 SPARK offers a holistic scholarship programme in Lebanon for more than 2000 students, this means that students are provided with several additional services such as language support, soft skills trainings and Psycho-Social (PSS) support in addition to their scholarship. The scholarship programme allows vulnerable young people, primarily Syrian refugees, to access higher education in the region. By partnering with local universities, we ensure that successful applicants are automatically offered a place at an institution, without having to further apply.


One of the training programmes provided to scholarship students is SPARK’s unique leadership for development programme which aims to enhance leadership skills by focusing on for instance positive communication skills, teamwork, critical thinking and community engagement. The programme is designed to ensure that students will not just be recipients of support but will also have an opportunity to then provide further support to others.


The delivery of the curriculum is fifty percent theory and fifty percent practical with student initiatives implemented in the local and/or host community at part of each course.


In 2019 SPARK will implement the second phase of its leadership for development programme aimed at training 300 students on topics related to Dialogue and Facilitation, the course is a follow-up of leadership trainings previously provided in the programme.


Dialogue and facilitation activities:


  • This course provides students with a specific curriculum aimed at enhancing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, and increased competencies such as; effective oral communication (specifically advanced listening skills), Critical thinking and problem solving, curiosity and imagination, collaboration across networks and leading by influence;
  • The SEL competencies will focus mainly on self-awareness, social awareness and relationship management;
  • The practical design of the course will allow students to practice the advanced skills and competencies they have learnt through various types of dialogue and facilitation sessions.


Selected partner duties and responsibilities

  • The selected partner will provide Dialogue and Facilitation training to 300 undergraduate and TVET students, the curricula for which will be provided by SPARK;
  • Support students on the practical actualization days in which students will practice the theoretical part of the course;
  • Implement all training related activities and logistical arrangements;
  • Prepare relevant satisfaction survey and pre- and post-test to measure impact of the activity.
  • Integrated reporting and bi-weekly reporting and delivery of high quality visual material covering all activities implemented



Beirut, Bekaa and Tripoli.  Groups will be divided according to the number of SPARK students per location.


Main activities to be implemented and number of students to be targeted:

  • Art of Debate and Dialogue theoretical course (6 days) for 300 Students

  • Actualization of Debate and Dialogue course, implementation of demo days (3 locations) for 300 students

The implementing partner will be flexible to working closely with SPARK specialists to ensure that the design follows the methodology of teaching leadership for development effectively.


Letter of interest must detail the following:


1- Outlining brief description of the expertise/portfolio of the applying agency in the field of training, capacity building, leadership for development;

2- Detailing why the applicant agency is a good candidate for this partnership based on programme design as indicated in this call;

3-Integrated reporting and communications plan, detailing timeframe for bi-weekly reporting and delivery of high quality visual material covering all activities implemented;

4- ANNEX Detailed implementation plan;

5- ANNEX NGO profile including registration.

6- ANNEX CVS of prospective trainers

7- ANNEX Budget breakdown (a.o. covering activities, communications efforts and staff hours)


Letter of interest maximum 2 A4 pages in addition to four ANNEXES

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]



How to apply

Interested organizations/NGOs are requested to submit their letter of interest to [email protected]

no later than 31 March 2019 COB (late or incomplete submissions will not be considered)

Sunday, 31. Mar 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):