
The Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a local organization of persons with disabilities (OPDs), it is governed and led by persons with disabilities. Since 1986 FRPD undertakes advocacy, guidance, training and technical assistance, and promotes rights through a social and human rights model of inclusion and empowerment.
FRPD is a leading NGO in the field of Disability and owns one of the rare independent living centers, available in Lebanon. Throughout the years FRPD has gained a lot of expertise in this field through collaboration and partnership with leading organizations.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) with the funding from the Lebanon Humanitarian fund (LHF) is in the process of implementing a humanitarian project in Akkar area- Northern Lebanon. The project aims at enhancing food safety, shelter and wash conditions of the most vulnerable families in specific villages in Wadi Khaled, Sahel Akkar and Jord Qateh. This objective will be ensured through a multilayered multi-sectoral assistance program that prioritises vulnerable families with older persons and individuals with specific needs, chronic illnesses or facing protection issues.
The proj

Monday, 26 August 2024

NABAA received grants, to implement a project titled “Ensure Protection and Provision of Essential Food and Basic Needs for 680 Household PRL and Lebanese IDPs and Non-IDPs Sheltering in Tyre Camps and Gatherings”. The intervention aims at ensuring the immediate and essential food and basic needs of affected 680 PRL & Lebanese IDPs and non-IDPs sheltering in Tyre camps and the gatherings are met, through providing food combined with ECA (Emergency Cash Assistance), and PSS (Psychosocial Support) addressing the emotional and psychological impact of emergencies.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is a US-based international relief and development agency established in 1992 that offers emergency relief and development programs worldwide, without discrimination. Since 2001, IOCC has responded to humanitarian needs in Lebanon across sectors—from nutrition and education to water and sanitation projects—strengthening Lebanese communities and, more recently, assisting both refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Lebanese families in need.

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

The Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM) with the funding from the LHF is in the process of implementing a humanitarian project in the Akkar governorate. The Project will contribute to the well-being of the most vulnerable Lebanese families and Syrian refugees.

Friday, 16 August 2024

Founded in 2013, Association Nabad for Development, hereinafter referred to as NABAD, is a civil, nongovernmental and non-profit organization working on the alleviation of human suffering, dismantlement of injustices, development of impoverished and disenfranchised communities, and empowerment of individuals. With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its base for action, Nabad’s principal focus is on ensuring that individuals and communities are aware about their rights and responsibilities.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Founded in 2013, Association Nabad for Development, hereinafter referred to as NABAD, is a civil, nongovernmental and non-profit organization working on the alleviation of human suffering, dismantlement of injustices, development of impoverished and disenfranchised communities, and empowerment of individuals. With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its base for action, Nabad’s principal focus is on ensuring that individuals and communities are aware about their rights and responsibilities.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Founded in 2013, Association Nabad for Development, hereinafter referred to as NABAD, is a civil, nongovernmental and non-profit organization working on the alleviation of human suffering, dismantlement of injustices, development of impoverished and disenfranchised communities, and empowerment of individuals. With the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its base for action, Nabad’s principal focus is on ensuring that individuals and communities are aware about their rights and responsibilities.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Application Type: External Vacancy
Title: ECD Focal point
Category: Public Health
Project : Makani
Type of Contract: Temporary Agreement (Short term contract)
Location: Saida/Ein El Helwe camp/GUPW /Huda Chaalan Makani Center

Monday, 12 August 2024

Deli Trainer is responsible for imparting essential skills and knowledge to new deli employees to ensure they can efficiently and effectively perform their roles

Sunday, 18 August 2024